In this corner, weighing in at no pounds and barely a few ounces and standing at a few inches tall, we have a tag team duo that may look small but produce big results...introducing...Pixie Baskets by Fabric Mutt. And in this corner, weighing in at 130 lbs (and that has to be true because it's what her driver's license says) and standing tall at 4' 11" we have a quilter that likes to run with scissors and stitch outside the lines, TishNWonderland.
At the beginning of April, I decided to link up with Julie at Pink Doxies and join her band of quilters all trying to be a #BraveQuilter. The goal of Julie's linky, is to pick something you haven't tried and challenge yourself to rise above your fears and meet that gaol head on. It's time to cross things off that bucket list.
For me that challenge was to make something 3D. Up to this point in the game, really the only things I have made are quilts of all different sizes. No bags, boxes, purses or even clothing. After seeing Jayne over at Twiggy and Opal's adorable verion of this small basket, I wanted to give it a try. So I printed out the instructions to study them thoroughly and went to work. Since my goal was to make items for an upcoming guild event, I went with strawberry colors.
I carefully cut the pieces according to the directions.
Started what would be some very simple sewing.
Commenced to basting.
And really in no time had the outer shell of my basket.
I have to say at this point, old Tisher was feeling pretty good about herself. The only thing left to do was construct the lining and put this baby together. Making the lining was super simple. Attaching the two, not so simple for me. I didn't get any pictures of the process because I was concentrating so hard.
For my first attempt, I didn't think it was that bad. Although, there were some small issues. The lining almost felt like it was too big for the inside of the basket and kind of poofed up over the top.
And as you can see on the far left, when I tried sewing the inside seam together I didn't get it all the way, so I had a small hole that I needed to finish closing. So not horrible, but not quite right either. After consulting with Sandra ( and Jayne (Twiggy and Opal) I took a deep breath, regrouped and tried again.
This time I chose some leftover squares from my Psychedelic Cat Lady Quilt.
And the construction process I chose was a bit different as well. Since I feared my poofy lining was due to a cutting error, I cut everything slightly larger than it needed to be.
Then I trimmed it down to the size the pattern called for, so that the batting and outside cover where 100% the same size.
Then because I feared all that bulk, I left out the pieces of muslin to back the lining. I also followed Jayne's advice and sewed about and 1/8" around the top after the lining was in place.
Sewing this seemed so awkward to me. The types of circles I normally sew in are nothing like this.
Stitching around the top really did help keep things from wanting to poof up. As for my adjustments to the really do need that muslin to help add to the stiffness of the basket. Had I not skipped that step, I think I would have been happier with the results. Live and learn. Not sure what's going on with the inside closing seam. It's like this basket is stuck in a constant state of a funny smile.
All in all, after everything is said and done, I'm pretty happy with my first attempts. The dust has settled and my mind has cleared. I didn't end up making any for the guild's boutique, but I'm not quite done trying to make more of these little babies yet. The one on the left is currently be used for a thread catcher and it's just the perfect size. So for the month of April I can say with pride I was a #BraveQuilter.
You can join Julie and the gang right now over at Pink Doxies for a wrap up linky party to see how everyone fared in their goals last month and maybe be inspired to try something. And if you too would like to join all the #BraveQuilters hop back over to Pink Doxies on May 5th and link up with your own bucket list item for the month. Unfortunately for me, with all the craziness coming up with our guild's quilt show, I think I'm going to set May out as far as trying something new. Surviving the show its self seems like a logical goal and one that will be new to me, since this is my first year being active within the group. So set a goal and go join!
Also if you hadn't heard Lindsey over at LR Stitched as declared May 2016, May is for Makers. This is an amazing idea.
The idea is to support those designers, bloggers and teachers for all the amazing things they do for us to help us along our quilting journey. There is so much they make available to us for free and the amount of work that goes into all of their projects is incredible. I don't know how they do it. I myself have only written a few tutorials, so my mind is blown every time Lorna over at Sew Fresh Quilts releases one of her amazing patterns or Yvonne at Quilting JetGirl and Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs publish a new information series to help us grow. And lets not forget their patterns. So for each week in the month of May (that's 4 weeks) consider joining in and supporting one of the quilty/crafy individual that has made a difference in your world. I'm happy to say that one of my first May is for Makers purchases was a copy of Lara's at Buzzin Bumble's new book Crafted Applique.
Today I'm linking up with Let's Bee Social, Linky Tuesday, #BraveQuilter Wrap Up and Main Crush Monday.
Way to try something new; I'm still avoiding 3D sewing. ;)
I haven't tried the Pixie baskets yet but plan on it. When I do, I'm going to try this technique.
Congrats on your baskets!! I think you did a fine job for your first attempt. Kudos.
good job Trish... LeeAnna
ooops, meant Tish
I'll be making those pixie baskets looks to me that you came out ahead of the baskets.
Considering you've never even made anything like this before I say well done 'Brave Quilter'.
Trish you are brave! I've made some pixie baskets too, and had some of the same issues. After the first couple, I seemed to get better at it. Gonna take a look at that link Pat left, and put that in my bag of tricks as well. Congrats on facing your fear!
Okay #1, you have written some wonderful tutorials yourself; you need to be a #bravequilter in June (I'll allow you to sit out May) and write up a pattern for sale, girl! #2 I AM TALLER THAN YOU!!!! Woot! Woot! Ch-ching! (clearly that almost never happens, as I am 5'2") #3 both baskets are cute, and I hear you on poofy linings, but I can tell you another secret of mine to help hold them inside: line up the seams of the lining with those of the outer layer, and stitch right down the centre of them for a few inches (or less, with this wee basket). #4 Make a brown-kitten-size basket and I know a certain feline who will hold down that poofy lining. ;-)
Way to be brave! I hate 3D sewing myself. Every once in a while I get inspired to make a purse or a basket, then I get halfway through and remember that I much better with flat quilts!
I think these look great! 3D sewing is daunting indeed, but you faced your fear and now you've done it. I think if you try a slightly larger one (one hour basket?) you will rock it. I've noticed that while small things may take less time and fabric, they are way more finnicky. For the record, I think you won this one.
Cute project, Tish. Thanks for the process. You were a brave quilter.
They look great, well done for being so brave!
If you'll check out Link #28, gives you tips on how to make the lining of the Pixie Baskets fit!!
OK, Tish. You blog too fast. I cannot keep up with you. I come back only to find that you have written 3 more posts...or is it 4? Very brave first attempt. Remember I warned you about these pixie baskets, pouches bags etc. We need to talk about those pixie (pesky) baskets.
I made these last night too! I also skipped the muslin and had a saggy lining. Oh well.
Congratulations on your first two baskets Tish! They definitely will get easier with each one you do. I have the same issue with the lining on any basket or zipper pouch I make. I usually cut the lining about 1/8 - 1/4" smaller than the pattern calls for and that seems to help a bit. I'm still experimenting and testing - we'll get there! Good for you for being a #BraveQuilter!!
Yeah! Now I understand your 3D comment, Tish. There is a difference moving from 2D to 3 D, and some of it is how we imagine the project. I remember the first time I tried sewing the front to back crotch seam for a pair of children's shorts. It took several tries, and quite a bit of ripping. I could NOT get it! Making dozens of pairs, I can 'see' it now. Sewing the lining in a zipper bag still makes me physically test it several times before I stitch. It's complicated, and let's face it--scary! So, cheers to you, Tish, for your daring at tackling your first project, and pushing on with the next!
Thanks for linking up with #BraveQuilter.
Julie @ Pink Doxies
Visiting from the New Quilt Blogger group. Oh 2D to 3D is quite a leap! I think you did really well. Congrats on achieving your #bravequilter goal. I've just seen this challenge and think I need to get signed up!
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