Friday, May 13, 2016

May is For Makers Week 2

The second week of may is wrapping up and I have to say I have quite enjoyed hopping around and seeing the beautiful and creative patterns and books everyone has purchased during the #MayIsForMakers party. (I can call this a party, right?)

If you missed my post earlier in the week, I made three purchases during the first week of May.  I hopped over to Sew Fresh Quilts and grabbed a copy of WoW-E and Cat Treats.

Photo courtesy of Sew Fresh Quilts
And I ordered a copy of Lara's (Buzzin Bumble) book Crafted Applique.  I think this book just might be what I need to conquer my applique fears. Hmm, do I see a #BraveQuilter post in the future?

So for the second week of May I decided to pick up two more patterns, both from designers I have been admiring for quite some time and I'm happy to call them friends.

First up is Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs.  I met Cheryl last year when she co-hosted the 2015 New Bloggers Blog Hop.  Over the months that followed I would get to know her via comments and email.  I told her she is my Pattern Writing Yoda, when she helped me along my journey to writing my first ever tutorial for my block Watermelon Taffy for the 2015 New Block Blog Hop, which she also co-hosted.  She even hosted a pattern writing series with lots of valuable information.  If you've never checked it out you can find it here.  I have made two of Cheryl's free patterns.

I made two of her Midnight Mystery quilts, from her quilt along in late 2015.

And I made her Building Blocks Baby Quilt, a free pattern on Moda Bake Shop.

So I think it's high time to show some quilty love to Cheryl.  After looking around her Crafty Store, I settled on her On A "Jell" Roll pattern.

Photo courtesy of Meadow Mist Designs

I have several jelly rolls laying around the house, and any of them would look great in this quilt.  

Next up is Beth from Cooking Up Quilts.  A fellow blog hopper from last year (Julie at Pink Doxies) pointed me toward Beth's blog after learning I was from North Central West Virginia.  (fellow 2016 blog hoppers see the awesome networking possibilities created??)  Beth hosts a linky party every Monday called Main Crush Monday and over the past year (linky partying with Beth) we have struck up a friendship.  She has published several patterns over the past year and all have been very eye catching.  So when I heard of the May is for Makers idea, I knew Beth was someone I wanted to support.  Plus us West Virginia gals have to stick together.  I chose her latest pattern Spinning.

Photo courtesy of Cooking Up Quilts
This pattern has me spinning with ideas on fabrics and possibilities.

And one last little item of business.  As a Craftsy affiliate, I would not being doing my job if I didn't tell you about the awesome sale going on right now till Sunday at Midnight.

Craftsy is celebrating their 5th birthday this month and in honor of the occasion they have majorly marked down some of their best selling kits and supplies (up to 50%).  Last month during their sale, I picked up...

two charm packs of Moda's Strawberry Fields Revisted and Aurifil Monofilament Thread in Clear and Smoke.  I haven't had a chance to sew with my new thread yet, but I absolutely can not wait to.  I have used monofilament thread by other companies in the past and they have felt kind of like fishing line (just my opinion here).  This didn't have that same stiff feeling so I can't wait to give it a go with some free motion.

So if you are looking for a new quilt kit or project,

need to build up that dwindling stash,

have a notion for some new notions,

I think I have all 4 of the lovely blues
or want to stock up on one of your other passions

Hop on over to Craftsy and check out their birthday deals.  And feel free to grab a piece of cake or a glass of wine while you look around.

Okay, time for me to ground myself for the weekend.  There is a possible whole cloth calling my name and I need to get my behind in gear if I'm going to get it finished by Monday.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

It is really fun to see what people are buying for #MayIsForMakers. I am really drawn to Beth's Spinning pattern, too. :)

Sarah@123quilt said...

I can't wait to see how that whole cloth turns out!

Nancy J said...

So many goodies, and threads, these are great shades to have,and big spools are so practical and good value too. Wish we had a store like that down here with so many specials.

Stitchin At Home said...

Whole cloth done by Monday, I hope you can do it by then as I can hardly wait to see it. My invisible thread of choice is Superior.

Cheryl said...

Thank you so much again for deciding to make On a Jelly Roll! I am so excited to see how your wholecloth turns out too, the quilting plan looks awesome!

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

Thanks for all the quilty love for Spinning Tish! Your whole cloth is looking great - when I saw it the first thing I thought was 'dang, she's so darn creative!' I can't wait to see it finished. I just love the way you sketch your ideas on plexiglass, genius!

LA Paylor said...

eye candy!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilts and patterns! I love seeing all the #mayisformakers projects! ❤️
Also, fellow West Virginian here! Born in Charleston, but mostly raised in Florida. I go back to visit every chance I get. ��

Lara B. said...

Oh my goodness - I'm flipping out over your whole cloth quilting Tish! What a great idea to use circles to define the areas of your design!
I love the patterns you have chosen and love the designers who created them! Thank you for putting my book in with such an amazing group of people! I don't thin you will have a problem being brave at all!

Sharon said...

Lots of goodies! I love the patterns you chose❤️ Can't wait to see your quilt

Louise said...

Oo, I didn't know Aurifil made a clear thread! That's going right into my basket. The "On a Jell Roll" pattern is darling and I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with it.

Sue said...

I'm really liking all the patterns that are turning up on my feed for the May is for Makers party (yes, I think party is the BEST word). It makes me wish I had joined in with it. I'm hoping it will become a bit of a quilt calendar fixture. I didn't realise you'd been through NQB group before (you can do that?!) One of the reasons I wanted to do it was to get to know a few other quilt bloggers. I'm glad to see it was successful for you!

Preeti said...

Great choices...very tempting. Drool-worthy.
Dwindling stash :-D

Lorna McMahon said...

You know I love your first choices in new patterns from last week, Tish. Thank you so much for your support and love! Your choices for this week are fabulous too! I have been admiring that Spinning pattern and am seeing it pop up all over the place. By the way, your whole cloth quilting is simply incredible!!!

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