Wednesday, May 4, 2016

OMG--Let's try this again

Remember this quilt?  I think the bigger question is, hey, Tish, do you remember this quilt?  And yes I do remember it.  Labyrinth was my One Monthly Goal for March over at Red Letter Quilt's One Monthly Goal Party and somewhere along the way I lost steam and didn't quite get it finished.  Sadly, I only  have a small section left to quilt.  I became frustrated with my border feathers and put the quilt in a small time out on the back of the couch, where Oliver and Caroline have been doing their best to cover it with cat hair.  So helpful those two.

So, I have decided to move it closer to the machine and get it wrapped up before yet another month slips away from me.

 The only items standing in the way of Labyrinth's completion are the four table runners I have to have finished by  May 16th (although I should make a few more) and the possible creation of a small machine quilted whole cloth to enter into the local quilt festival.  Which would also have a dead line of May 16th.  So if I did nothing else the rest of the month that still leaves a week and a half to finish this quilt.  Surely I can do that, right?

So even though March's OMG was a flop, I'm ready to climb back on the goal setting horse and give this quilt another go.  So today I'm linking up with Heidi over at Red Letter Quilts to show my commitment to my goal.  Do you have a goal for the month?  Hop over and join the fun.  Fly or flop it's always more fun with friends.


Nancy J said...

Like a marble floor, what a wonderful choice of fabrics, and you will get there, minus cat hair, I have the same problem here, soft ginger or silver and grey!!!

Lisa J. said...

There is nothing wrong with carrying a goal over to the next month. You can take that from me. Good luck finishing it although it seems like you might need more of the luck between now and the 16th.

Preeti said...

Telling the whole wide world what you will do is SCARY!!! I don't :-)
I just post the whole story once it is done :-) Your fabrics are beautiful. The star pattern is beautiful. You are not procrastinating. You are just enjoying the journey. I am sure that when it is done it will be spectacular and then you can say - "Now, wasn't that worth the wait?" with a very satisfied smile on your face!!!

Stitchin At Home said...

Yes you can finish, a week and a half is lots of time. I'd be more worried about getting everything else done by the 16th. Good luck!!!

Sandra Walker said...

I need to write up a post, and boy you are ambitious, but if you're anything like me, you work well under pressure, and deadlines are your friends. ;-)

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Good luck...the second time around. Life happens and our plans get put aside. I hope you get everything done you want for the festival.

QuiltShopGal said...

Going to be beautiful Tish. I'm sure you can do it. Going to be fun to celebrate all these finishes this month.


Val's Quilting Studio said...

Good for you Trish! You go girl!!!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I don't count this as procrastination. I count this as beating yourself up! Wow, table runners, mini quilts all by mid month? You set yourself a high bar Tish.

Heidi said...

How is it coming? You can do it Tish!! (chugga chugga.. toot toot!)

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