I guess you could call me block head this week...I'm all about the blocks. Last week Pat Sloan introduced to us Katja Marek the January 2018 Aurifil BOM designer and her block Dresden Dreaming. At first glace of this block I froze...English Paper Piecing. I've never tried EPP before. With the craziness of work right now, I really didn't feel mentally prepared to try. Luckily for me, I came to and read on. Pat suggested a different way of making the block using applique. This seemed easier. I also realized it could help with my EPP dilemma with the October 2017 block.
This is my version of Aurifil's October designer, Helen Stubbings and her Hugs 'n Kisses block. I love how both turned out and it sure does feel good to have all of the 2017 blocks complete.
And this is my failed attempt at a color wheel with all the blocks...it ended up more like a color sideways tear drop? The wind was blowing horribly and rain was not far away. There was no time to grab a ladder, so I just started pinning...but I think you get what I was getting at. I'm sure they will look better in a quilt lay out. Dear Pat Sloan, I'm like a kid at Christmas. I can't wait for the layout!
David, Sandra, Anja and I have still been plugging away with our social sewing experiment, of texting and making the Sewcial Bee Sampler Blocks. This week we completed blocks 8 and 9. Just like the kid at Christmas thing...I'm dying to stitch these blocks up with the dark blue Moda Grunge sashing fabric. To scratch my sewing itch and prevent myself from sewing ahead, I laid them out to give myself (and you) a preview...I'm in love.
I also took some time to catch up on Cindy at Stitchin At Home's Medallion Quilt. I thought I was several blocks behind, but once my tote was pulled out I found I was caught up all but this block, the Cross Point Block. Me actually caught up, trust me I was surprised too.
Speaking of blocks...New Kids on the Block...no, no...New Kids on the Quilty Block. I'm super excited to announce that on Thursday February 1st we will be announcing the sign ups for the 2018 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop being co-hosted by myself, Beth at Cooking Up Quilts, Sandra at mmm!quilts and Jen at Dizzy Quilter.
If you have been blogging for more than 2 months and less than 3 years, I hope you will check in with one of us on Thursday to find out how to sign up. If you have any questions, please ask. If you have been blogging for more than 3 years please pass the word along to your friends. Mark your calendars for the hop dates, not only will you meet a batch of new quilt bloggers, but there will be lots of prizes from our amazing sponsors. See you on Thursday!