Last week's list
1) Piece the Mosaic Mystery Quilt's rows.--Done
I was able to get all the rows pieced together and even pinned to begin sewing.
2) Prep fabric for the Fractal Gravity Quilt kit--done
I'm happy to report that all of these beautiful black and white fabrics have been pressed, cut into 9" squares and sewn into half square triangle bits.
3) Piece January blocks for Out West Quilt--Done
Long story short, I will be making two of these quilts this year. I am happy to report that both blocks in the color ways are finished! I'm a little disappointed that here isn't more contrast with the block on the left. I have high hopes that when I quilt them, I can help them stand out better with the quilting. It's a little early in the game to be stressing about it though.
4) Piece a Magic Inch Block for Guild Meeting--Done
Happy to report that this little gem is all finished and was turned in at the meeting. We will be using the blocks to make a charity quilt.
5) Finish Piecing A Flower Bouquet--didn't touch it
6) Get quilting room back under control!
My quilting room exploded with stuff a few weeks ago when I had to empty a closet to get to my hot water tank. So I took some time this weekend to purge through things and get everything back in order. Once things either left for good or ended up back in their proper places, my room is usable once again.
This week's list
1) Trim and press all 100 HST blocks for the Gravity Quilt.
2) Finish piecing the Mosaic Mystery Quilt
3) Quilt at least 15 minutes a day on Floral Fireburst Quilt
4) Finish piecing A Flower Bouquet
You are doing great! I agree you can work with those blocks with the quilting to make it pop, but not a point to stress over now but rather ponder solutions in the meantime. Good luck this week.
Hi Tish! Wow, you did great on last week's list. Lots of progress is being made over there. Mosaic is really coming along - it looks like the end is near and a quilt top will be finished soon. Ooh - still loving those b/w fabrics for Fractal. Perfect for that quilt. I am sure there is more contrast than your photo shows in Out West - and I also know you'll be able to quilt it so that those pedals standout. Can't you just see swirls in them, the same color and their red neighbor? I can! And the quilting room explosion - I had that happen earlier this month. Egads. We have too much key-rap. Thanks for linking up again. Here's to a productive week - EEK, 100 HSTs to trim. I say spend 15 minutes (only) on trimming them. Then 15 minutes on Floral. ~smile~ Roseanne
I love your Out West blocks, I looked at Pat Sloan's quilt along but I just have too much going to start another project. All the best with it and will be interesting to see how both colour ways eventually work out. Kathryn Quilts
Well done. Good luck with this week's list.
Wow, that's a productive week!! I'm especially impressed with your sewing space clean-up--I always say I'm going to get better organized and it only lasts one evening or so.
Good luck accomplishing not only your OMG, but all of your weekly goals!
You did well on last week's to do list. Hope you are doing equally well on this week's list. Good luck.
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