Saturday, May 26, 2018

UFO Busting #21

I have two finishes in a row to celebrate, I can't even believe it!  This week I was all giddy about my Garnet Star Crystal finish, which you can read more about here.

It didn't spend much time in UFO or WIP land, but I'm happy to report it waited patiently for me to get to it.  I even entered her into the local quilt show and I promise to share about that soon.

Last weekend was crazy with 0% anything quilty going on other than a quilt show.  I think I've stated several times here on the blog we live in a small zoo of animals...mostly aging animals at that.  Part of that zoo is pit bull littermate brothers, never separated in their entire almost 11 years of life, Becker and Newton.

I like to think of them as yin and yang. 
My buddy Newton has had some digestion issues going on but we got them all ironed out, life is good.  Then last week, I noticed a mass on his rib cage that I swear wasn't there before.  Like it's huge, how could I have missed it??  A trip to the vet confirmed he has a rather large mass on his ribcage that really isn't in a great location to be removed.  Because of how quickly it came on, we are going to assume it is cancer and not put him through a bunch of tests.  On top of that he came down with a bad infection that we are trying to treat.  I'm not sure how much longer my little silver fox has, but I will not let him suffer.  I love him way too much to be selfish.  So most of my attention is focused on him making sure he knows he's the best boy ever and that his brother will be okay in the long run. 

Now let's talk quilting again, I have managed this week to side track myself with two new projects.  A wedding quilt that will hopefully be gifted in July. 

A spool of Aurifil Light Lemon is making its way to my house as I type.  Hopefully, these blocks made with Cory Yoder's Sundrops (Jollybar) and Moda solid layer cake will become a quilt top this weekend.

This also started happening this week.  I'm making a mini version of  Yvonne's (Quilting Jetgirl) Wayward Transparency Quilt for a special little girl.  Who knows, maybe I can inspire her to be a quilter one day too?   More coming about this quilt later as well.

So what were you guys up to last week?  I'm focusing in on Louise at Quilt Odyssey.  Louise got it going on!  Have I mentioned she lives on a boat and enjoys beautiful views everyday?  It's not just those things she's got going on, but she is busting UFO's like a champ.

She's been busying getting some UFO's ready to go so she can celebrate some finishes.  I love how she marks her quilt tops with painters tape so she knows the exact size of the quilt.  She even labels the possible charity it will go to.  This my friends, is some serious UFO organization that we can all learn from.  If you missed her post from last week, make sure you check it out.

So now it's your turn, what have you been up to this week?  Let us know, are you blasting through some old project just begging for a finish?  Or did you get distracted by something new and shinny, like me?  What ever the case link up below and tell us all about it.

**As of Friday, blogger doesn't seem to be emailing of comment notifications and I am currently trying to figure out how to reply to comments by email without their help.  If you do not hear from me, know that I appreciate your comments and I'm tring to figure out how to fix this.  Hopefully, Blogger will fix it as well.**


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Newton, and I am sure he knows he is loved by you. After a non-sewing weekend last week, you sure made a lot of progress during the week!

Marti said...

I'm sorry to hear about Newton. I hope Newton has a longer life than you expect and it looks like he is a very loved dog.

Thank you for not making me feel guilty this week. I've been working on UFOs so long that I just couldn't finish another one until I had a chance to make a new one. And this one will NOT become a UFO.

Nancy J said...

Beautiful finishes, the top one a winner. The smaller transparency a real beauty. They are overshadowed by the news of Newton, he will get all the love and care that is his for now. XXXX

Kathleen said...

Sorry about Newton. I know that our animals know the love we shower on them and they on us. Love the organization idea from Louise. I need to get a little more accomplished but I am over obsessing about a block or two so should be back on track. I do love those transparency quilts and look forward to seeing yours.

Cheryl said...

I am sorry about Newton. I am loving the mini transparency and other other quilt you have started!

Annmarie said...


Louise said...

Thank you so much for the shout-out!

Newton is the best boy ever, and I'm so glad he has you and Dave there, always, to tell him that. I rate him 14/10, would pat enthusiastically :)

Susan said...

New Projects! Yay! Excitement! Beautiful dog photos, too, but I really prefer the quilts. =)

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Sorry to hear about Newton. I've toyed with making a smaller version of Wayward Transparency. I'm having the same Blogger problem.

Stitchin At Home said...

Sorry to hear about Newton. You have been productive even with the quilt show. Love the quilts.

KaHolly said...

Oh, poor puppy! Newton knows he is loved, and the he is a lucky boy to share his life with you. I’m so sorry you are having to go through this. I guess all of us pet lovers have been there at one time or another. Love on him for me! Love your projects. Good luck finishing up that wedding quilt. You are such a quilting dynamo, I have no doubt it will be ready with time to spare. I’m working on a quilt I started in Texas. Blocks are made and am sewing rows together. No post to link up to, though. Maybe soon! Louise is another quilting dynamo, isn’t she? Enjoy your day! XO

Emily said...

I'm sorry to hear about Newton, Tish. I hope you enjoy the time you have left together. The quilts you are working on are gorgeous, as always, and I hope they give you a distraction.

Shelina said...

So sorry about Newton's health problems.

dq said...

I hope you get your quilt done this weekend as planned so you can blog about it.

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