Saturday, May 19, 2018

UFO Busting #20

It's time to celebrate today!  I'll be keeping things short and sweet though.  This week I celebrated the finish of a UFO from fall of last year and hosted for the first time yesterday TGIFF.  You can read more about this quilt here.

The quilt is an original design by myself and my husband, David.  Star Blossom is available in my Craftsy store.  Now that she has been quilted and bound, I'm happy to report she has went straight to work.  I gifted her last night to my friend for her adorable 9 month old daughter.  We were in line to handout pinwheels during the first night of parades for our local Strawberry Festival when the quilt officially went to work.  Star Blossom looked so happy when baby "Tish" (totally not her name, but I can call her what ever I want here) laid on her for the first time.  I think this quilt will be well loved and lead a very long life...if it's not replaced by 20 millions quilts I'll make for baby "Tish".

This week I am featuring Vicki at Vicki's Crafts and Quilting and her recently finished Plus quilt.  I LOVE plus quilts.  But Vicki tugged at my heart strings and stirred some nostalgia with the fabrics she used, Moda Fabric's Gooseberry by Vanessa Goertzen.

Every time I hear "gooseberry" I'm reminded of my best friend John from high school.  We spent hours on the phone watching TV (I think you have to be child of the 90's to get that).  Our favorite show/episode hands down was the "Rashomama" episode of Momma's Family.  It was a who done it episode, when momma was smacked in the head with a pot while making Gooseberry Jam.  Vicki, thanks for sharing your beautiful finish and giving me a reason to walk down memory lane.  Read more about this beautiful and fun quilt here

So now it's your turn?  What have you been up to this week, UFO busting or happily and shamelessly starting something new?  Link up below and tell us all about it.

Time for me to sign off for this week and enjoy some fun in the sun....or rather strawberry short cake in the rain.


Vicki in MN said...

Aww thanks for the feature-glad I helped you walk down memory lane!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You have been steadily making great UFO progress! It’s always great to see what you have worked on or finished, and it’s neat to see it benefitting the community, too.

Stitchin At Home said...

Another great UFO finished and to be put into use right away super special.

Louise said...

I was on a UFO bustin' tear this week! I don't think I would have tackled them all without your gentle prodding, so thanks for that, Tish :)

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

That's a great plus quilt. I have not seen that pattern before.

Susan said...

Love the UFO Bustin' idea, but I've been working so hard on my H2H and some other new things that I didn't get any UFOs tackled! I have laid out one to work on, so sometime in the next month, I'll be able to link progress on that one! You certainly made a UFO into something beautiful!

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