Saturday, December 1, 2018

UFO Busting #38

I may have got a bit distracted and full on turkey last week and totally didn't make the party.  Ok, there is not may about it, I did.  But that's okay.  I enjoyed every minute of family time and the bits of stitching I was able to sneak in.  I actually have four finishes to share with you over the next few days (when I brave the snow and cold to take pictures).  So what have I been up to?

Well, I'm happy to report I have my first personal Fireburst Mystery Quilt finish!  Here it is all bound and ready for pictures.

If you are dying to see where the quilting was going, you can always pop over to my Instagram page and see some in progress pictures.

I've also starting marking the next Fireburst for quilting.  Fingers crossed I may sqeak out another finish this weekend.

For this version, I'm trying to play around with secondary designs possibly hiding in the background.  I'll be honest, I'm not sure where this one is headed but I am 100% excited about it.  Sometimes coming up with a quilting design is like meditation.  You have to clear your mind and shut the voices off.  Just trust yourself, your ruler and pen and feel the design.  Sometimes you mark, walk away and then come back and see something else you want to add.  It's okay for quilt design to be a process and take time.

Another finish that happened, but won't get a post till after Christmas (due to time constraints) was a tree skirt.  Jen and I continued with our family tradition of putting our tree up the day after Thanksgiving.  I mentioned to her we needed to purchase a new skirt for the tree since we no longer have one.  Without missing a beat, she looked at me and said why don't you make one.  Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.  So that is exactly what I did.  It took about three days to sneak in time from start to finish, but by Friday, we had a usable tree skirt!

Here's a quick picture of it finished...

and here is a picture of the house bully (at only 6lbs) claiming said tree skirt.

How about a few highlights from the last linky party?  First up we have Chris at Chris Knits Sews.  Its been fun to follow along as this little baby quilt has come to life.  Let me introduce you to Mini Dashing Baby Weston.

Make sure you pop over and congratulation Chris on her finish and read about the making of this quilt.

Next up we have the always fun Sandra at mmm!quilts and her RSC2018 quilt finish.  New make me cry happy tears and you automatically get featured.

Maybe I'm just getting all misty over here because my daughter graduates in a few months and it's one of those times you reflect and get emotional.  Whatever the case, this quilt has a beautiful story and an even more beautiful finish. Sandra always amazes me with the symbolism of the tiny details she adds to the quilting of her quilts.  This quilt is packed full of them.  Make sure you check out this mother's love for her daughter, you will cry happy tears.

Last but not least, I would love to give out this completely fictitious non tangible UFO award to Louise over at Quilt Odyssey.  While I was napping and getting fat on turkey, Louise was busting the UFO's left and right.  Like a hurricane of productivity!

This is Louise's Five Alarm Chili Quilt made from Sandra's (mmm!quilts) Playtime Plus quilt pattern.  But trust me Five Alarm Chili isn't the only thing she's been cooking up.  Make sure you visit Louise and find out why she deserves this completely non existent award.  Look the trophy is just so big it can't exist in this universe.  I'm hoping a little of her productivity dust rubs off on me.  I need some more finishes myself.

Now lets see what you have been up to.  Link up below with a blog post or Instagram picture and show us what has had your attention.  Are you slaying UFO's or distracted by something you know you shouldn't be doing?  Tell us about it below.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oooh, quilt finishes in the snow! I look forward to seeing what you have finished. And way to go getting a tree skirt made in record time, too. :)

KaHolly said...

This is a top of the line post. Your work is lovely, your compassion for others is off the charts, and your honesty is so very refreshing. I wish I could accomplish half as much as you do when you’re having an off week! Oh, and I’m loving that tree skirt.

Louise said...

Oo, pretty tree skirt! Was it hard to cut the hole in the middle? Through all that gorgeous quilting?? And I'm lovin' seeing all your Firebursts bursting to the finish line!

Thank you so much for the award! If I was giving an acceptance speech, I'd be giving you big props for motivating me with your UFO busting posts. Seriously, I didn't even think about my UFOs until you starting writing about the subject every week. Then I counted mine, um, gulp! Time to crank some of those out...

Stitchin At Home said...

Pictures in the snow, you just keep it. We have green grass and I'm happy with that. Love the tree skirt!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Awesome tree skirt. It seems a lot of people put their Christmas tree up after Thanksgiving.

Cheryl said...

Great finishes!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Tish! I am so glad you shared pictures of your Fireburst quilts. I must have been channeling my inner you as I started working on mine too. I went in a totally different direction and hope to have it all bound and ready for some pictures by the 14th. I love your new tree skirt!! I can't believe you just whipped one up - but that's what quilters do, huh?!! Happy Happy Tuesday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

Sandy Panagos said...

What beautiful finishes in your Show and Tell. Love your Fireburst quilts. I'm trying to finish up a few things so they don't have to get added to my UFO list on January 1st.

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