Thursday, December 3, 2015

Christmas Mayhem---TBT

I like to be that little part of life that shakes things up a bit.  Have you ever scene those great Allstate commercials starring Dean Winters as "Mayhem?"  Secretly, this is me.  Only I don't do mean things.  I promise I do not wreck cars or burn down houses.  This throw back story is called, Tish, the Christmas Mayhem.

Dean Winters as "Mayhem" in an Allstate Christmas commercial
It has become a yearly tradition in my mom's very large family to get together near Christmas time and do a gift exchange.  But it's one of exchanges where everyone brings one wrapped gift, everyone draws a number and in number order everyone picks a present.  Person #1 may pick any gift on the table and open it.  Person #2 can then pick an unopened present or take the present that has already been open.  If they choose to take the opened gift, person #1 then picks another gift from the table to open.  So when your turn comes about, you either pick an unopened gift or you can claim someone's already opened gift.  Other rules have emerged over time, such as a gift can only be stolen so many times.  The only exception to this rule is person #1.  Since they didn't have a chance to "steal a gift" they can exchange their gift with anyone, no matter how many times the gift has been stolen.

As for the gifts we are suppose to bring, the technical rule is to bring something from your home that you do not want anymore.  But by year two some people chose to bring a small item that they purchased for the party.  Since the rules had already been bent, why not have some fun...right?

My first year of mayhem, my family of three showed up with a unopened candle I had around the house, a picture frame and this...

Oliver kept trying to photo bomb my pictures

Excitement gleamed in my all of my aunts' eyes when an uncle unwrapped this little baby.  As sisters will, they began bickering in jest about who would end up with the quilt.  That year three steals and an item was done.  Since it was unwrapped late in the game, my mom ended up stealing it from her sister (the second steal) confident she had won the prize she wanted.  Then my daughter, 12 at the time, pulled a wild card, that even I didn't see coming  She took the small wall hanging from her grandmother.  The look on my mom's face was priceless.  Jen did however re-gift the quilt back to her grandmother on Christmas morning.  The whole spectacle was almost too fun to watch.  Lot's of laughing and good nature taunting.

So last year, I had to do it again.  However, it was almost better, because from the start of the game they hoped that I had made another small quilt.  They just had to figure out in which package it lived and be able to hang on to it.

After several draws into the game, my youngest aunt jumped for joy because she had found what she wanted.

Then she looked up and realized it would more than likely be taken and the fun started all over again.  After the 3rd steal, my uncle's wife was the proud new owner of the quilt.  The game continued to progress without much more excitement.  Until my cousin's wife, Stacie (my bestie), pulled the last move.  She had drawn first, so the rule states she could take any gift even if it had been stolen three times.  So of course she marched right over and took it from her.  I thought the whole thing was going to end in a fist fight.    Bwhahaha.  Will I do it again this year?  Maybe if time permits.

Come join the party!  Today I am linking up with Tuesday ArchivesMain Crush Monday at Cooking Up QuiltsCreative Goodness at Quilt Shop GalRichard and Tanya QuiltsCan I Get a Whoop! Whoop! at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and ThrowBack Thursday at Quarter Inch from the Edge.

My bestie Stacie knows my mayhem too well.


Jayne said...

What a fun story!! We do this with fabric at our Holiday Guild party (we call it Dirty Santa)! It gets wild and the laughter is non-stop! So much fun indeed! I hope you have another round of gifting that brings laughter and joy to you and your family! You better get a quilt ready...

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Honestly, Tish, you are a born story teller. I'm so glad that you take the time each month to link up to Throwback Thursday @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge. I'm looking forward to whatever tale you come up with in January. And for the record, that sort of game would end in fisticuffs in my family... I'm pretty much sure of it.

P.S. I am very tempted to recommend this as an activity our guild Christmas party!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Those white elephant gift parties can be so much fun! I have a wok in the kitchen that we got to keep on a 3rd steal, which broke the heart of my then-bosses wife when my husband took it from her. How awesome to know that your mini quilts are so loved in your family, too.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

That is so funny. You realize that you must continue to provide a quilt...otherwise, I'm sure there will be fight. LOL I hope you have fun at your party.

Paige said...

The story makes your quilts even more special! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

This year you should wrap something like a candle and nothing else and then whoever gets your gift, say, I forgot to put something else in there and bring out a quilt. ;)

Cheryl said...

I would fight over your quilts too!

Stitchin At Home said...

Well you better get making one because I'm coming to the party. Just need the time and place..... This just sounds like wayyyyy too much fun.

Sandra Walker said...

You are freaking hilarious! I know I would be fighting with Cindy and Cheryl if I was involved in the exchange; as for my family, uh oh, not a good plan...We did this at our staff party a few times, and man, there were some P-O-ed people! One year it was a Hallmark soft blue snowman that was 'it'.

JanineMarie said...

Ha, I could just see all of this happening as I was reading. Great story and super fun gift. I'd be right in there fighting for that.

Dasha said...

Oh I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you play that game. It sounds such fun. I grew up as an only child so Christmases were never unruly since there was usually only the 3 of us until my hubby turned up. Love your little minis they are very cute.

the zen quilter said...

I like that game, but it does take quite a while, I must say. It's gratifying to have such a special gift that everyone wants. One year we did it with teenagers and I evilly put in an iTunes gift card (that was early teens, before they got all their music for free). It was a seriously hot ticket. I almost felt guilty about it - but I didn't.

Shelina said...

That is a fun story. It is so nice that your family treasures your quilts so much. I really like this idea for a gift exchange - keeps from having to buy so many gift cards! Both of these quilts are gorgeous - love your quilting.

Dana Gaffney said...

That sounds like so much fun and lots of laughter, it sounds like you need to keep going until everyone has a quilt :)

Vicki in MN said...

Loved hearing your Christmas stories! We've done that at DH Christmas work parties in the past, great fun. I really like that last quilt, easy enough pattern but effective looking! Happy Holidays.

elle said...

Good for you. Great story!

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

You can't stop now! I think there would be a mutiny if you didn't take a quilt to your party now. :) Our family does the same thing and it is so much fun. Thanks for sharing your story on MCM; it is so much fun to see how others celebrate the holidays. BTW, I would fight for either one of those quilts - the quilting is FAB-U-LOUS!

Marti said...

You HAVE to make another one this year and add a new rule that anyone who got one of your last quilts can't steal it. lol

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Classic CHristmas wallhangings! (Thanks for the morining chuckles too!) V:)

FVITH said...

What a great feeling to have everyone loving what you made :)

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