Saturday, July 27, 2019

UFO Busting #67

Woot I'm back!  It's been hard to keep up with blogging, working, being an adult and sewing.  I'm not sure I'm liking it much, but I'm back this week so let's party!  I'm still mostly working on secret sewing stuff, but I have a few things that I can share with you.

Our second box of goodies from Island Batik arrived and as you can see, everyone was excited to see what's inside.  I will have an unboxing video up soon and a full length post to show you all goodies contained within.  How do you feel about videos?  Is that something you enjoy seeing from your blogging friends?

I am still working my tushy off on the July Artsy Fartsy Challenge.  I think I'm getting close to a finish.

No piecing on this one, just lot's of open space and applique...the later being not my usual thing.  I had to dig into my thread stash to make sure I had what I needed to finish the project.

Surely I can find what I need in there right?

For now I'm just background filling and praying this looks like it does in my head when I'm finished. 

Another thing that happened this week was re-evaluating all those UFO's lurking around the house.  Lack of free time has really put a hold on getting any old projects finished.  I'm hopeful after my two big projects are completed in August, I can sneak some me sewing in and find a finish.

Who is celebrating finishes?  How about Gail at Quilting Gail.  She just had what she called a Baby Quilt Marathon and I love the idea behind what she did.  Gail decided to devote 26 hrs to nothing but quilting baby quilts and let me tell you it paid off.

Here is five of the seven finishes she celebrated!  You go girl, I bet you didn't even break a sweat.  Make sure you hop over and read about this cool idea.  Gail can we do it again???  I missed it.  I think devoting 26 hrs (and maybe 2 minutes) to sewing is a great idea and motivation to work on projects.

Now it's your turn.  What have you been up to?  Link up and tell us all about it below.

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Click here to enter


Kate said...

Hope life slows down a bit so you can get in a bit more stitching time.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I can't wait to see how your July Artsy Fartsy Challenge will finish! Love those pebbles ;)

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Great thread collection!!! Hope you have plenty of stitching time this weekend!

Shelina said...

I like the idea of a quilt marathon, although a retreat may be a bit more relaxing! I look forward to seeing your challenge quilt!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Tish! Your artsy fartsy project looks pretty darn cool, and I hope it comes together as you see it. But you know, if it doesn't we'll have no idea! Only you can see what it looks like in your head. We'll love it either way. A new job plus adult responsibilities or just being an adult at times kind of sucks doesn't it?! You'll figure it out and as long as you're meeting your promised commitments it'll work out. You can always ask your blogging friends for help you know - maybe hosting a UFO party for you one week or something like that. ~smile~ Roseanne
P.S. I think you'd better send up a thread S.O.S. because your choices are so limited.

Lisa J. said...

Hi Tish. You are right it is hard to keep up with everything. Good luck with the artsy fartsy challenge.

KaHolly said...

Just yesterday, I layered up and put a UFO under the Janome. No pics, though. Life can be quite a balancing act, Tish. I can remember before retirement having periods of time when sewing took back seat. But gears shift. Hang in there! Looking forward to seeing your Artsy Fartsy! I’m intrigued.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Working and being an adult interferes with my fun LOL Wow...that's a lot of thread. I'm intrigued by what I see so far...can't wait to see the finish. Hope you're having fun.

Kathleen said...

I bet you did find thread that works, or changed up the plan to make it work! I can't wait to see it!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

and for once I have a finish in a UFO to include. And when I finish it again, little old cryptic me, I will link up again. I loved your photo of threads, real photo of as it is.

Emily said...

Your thread stash is so impressive!!!!!

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