Caroline Kitty Cat, little creeper that she is, can tell you that as far as this weekend went, my sewing went no where. Absolutely, no where. It wasn't for a lack of trying, it's just adulting and working had to take top priority. It happens.
I was however, thanks to her watchful eyes, able to finish piecing the Scrambled Plus Sign Quilt from Angela Walters Midnight Quilt Show last week. All of that stripping really paid off.
Don't worry, little quilt, you'll be come a finished quilt one day. Now go join the other quilt tops and wait for your number to be called. Insert evil laughter.
I also got in a teeny tiny bit of quilting accomplished on the butterfly quilt. The cross hatching is almost finished. I am loving the way it is looking. I'm praying this will be almost finished by the weekend. It needs to be heading to its new home.
The only other quilting that happened on my end was discussions on how to fix Jenny's
This is the completed center. I want to add some borders to it to make it bigger. The problem? It's not square, meaning the top is off from the bottom. UGH! It's not horribly unsquared, but enough to make borders a challenge. I'm not looking for perfection. I'm just looking for a quick solution. This quilt will never be a show quilt. It will be cuddled by a teenager and three dogs.
My first thought for borders went something like this.
I'm not sure what I didn't like about it, but it wasn't quite what I was going for. So what about adding a small white border before the colorful blocks?
Better, but still wasn't sold. Plus the whole thing needs to be as square as possible to look right and make the borders work.
After ironing out the finished middle, David and I spent some time walking around the quilt talking. I guess we thought if we made enough laps around it, it would fix itself or we would find the right answer if we stood at just the right angle (do you ever do that?). Then David had an idea, "What if you do it like that Midnight Quilter lady in that one episode we watched? You know the one with the strips." It took me a minute, but I figured out he was talking about Angela's Shattered Frames Quilt.
Hmmm...I think he was on to something. So I played around in EQ7 to see what this new idea would look like.
Yes! I think I like this one. It's different. Maybe a bit more mature? Of course this is just a rough mock up. It will look much different and I can play with the strips. The dark blue around the edge represents the binding. I have to say I'm a bit more motivated to work on it now.
Time to get my head back in the game and try again. Today starts a new week. All these projects will definitely not finish themselves. Here's to hoping that we all have a productive quilting week!
Today I'm linking up with Main Crush Monday.
I hope you have a great week, too. I love the updated border idea for the unicorn quilt. :)
I like the last border, and it links the unicorn's fabrics in it so well. He is lovely on the line, stained glass effect with the light behind the seams, that is one part of a quilt I really like so much.
I wonder if the reason the last border works so well is that it keeps the eye focused on the unicorn. The other border drew the eye away? Maybe? Anyway, I like it. I like the plus quilt too, with the bright, cheery colors.
The second border looks great and I think it kind of gives more of an impression of movement and is similar in looks to the unicorn's mane. Dave has a good eye! Your niece will love it!
David gave you a great idea for the border on the rainbow unicorn. I really like it. I'm glad you got a little quilting in and I love your blue version of the shattered plus. It looks wonderful! I just found the Angela Walters videos last week and I really enjoy them.
I like that plus quilt!! I think I heard your evil laughter...and it sounded a lot like mine. LOL Yes for the border around the unicorn.
I think the shattered frame border adds more interest and unifies the top. Your scrambled plus sign quilt is lovely on the line.
I've had so many of those days the past months where I had 'adult' responsibilities to take care of!! Thanks for sharing the Angela links! I love watching her videos. I do belive you are on to something with the border! All you needed was a little inspiration and an idea!
I hope you have a good sewing week, I really like the border for the unicorn quilt.
You didn't have time to sew? And just what do you call all that? ;)
So good to see the unicorn ideas; David is such a good resource! Damn, Angela's grandpa quilt in those colours is awesome! I hope you tagged her with a photo. As for Caroline the Ninja...LOLOL how I love that girl, even though she's not into lovin' ha.
Brilliant photo bomb by Caroline the cat . Those eyes ! Great unicorns 🦄 but my favourite of this post is the scrambled plus quilt . But then I have a softness for plus quilts of all varieties
Going nowhere??? I bet Angela Walters would disagree. Love your interpretation of the Plus Quilt - the colors are so much fresh and invigorating. That you got inspired from Angela (shattered borders) is terrific. We do not have to exactly replicate stuff. Application is everything.
Knowing you and Dave, I would have loved to be privy to that conversation. Seriously. And I think that the solution you threw out is why we hop around the net looking at what everyone else is doing. We blend our styles and fixes, and we do influence each other a lot. Fixing a quilt with squareness issues is hard, and I hope you share how this process worked out. We've all been there.
Love that unicorn! And I think the fractured borders look good. I like the idea of adding more of the colors. Can't wait to see how it ends up!
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