So I may have gotten a bit carried away last month when Craftsy had their monthly sale. Again I said "may have." I'm hoping there will be several of you that say, nope, all of those purchases were perfectly rational, Tish. And I will thank you in advance for those words. :)
So what did I pick up? Well, let me show you.
I actually picked up this wonderful box of C+S Fat Quarters's during a Craftsy sale a few months ago. I was in love with all those beautiful colors and the price. During the early Black Friday sale last month the prices on the FQ box was reduced even more, so of course I had to pick up it's little friend.
If one box is good and two boxes are better, then three boxes must be over the moon, right? The next deal I jumped on was a Free Spirit 1 Yard Cut Fabric Box.
Look at all those pretties! The box contained 14 1 yard cuts of Free Spirit fabric. I was a bit nervous because I was at the mercy of the Craftsy Gods when it came to the prints (it's a mystery box), but I think they came through for me. I have no idea what I will be doing with these, but until then I will stare at their yummy goodness.
The next two items I jumped on were quilt kits. You know, just in case I ever run out of projects to work on.
First up is Town Square using Boundless Solid Mixers.
And the second is Arrow Heads using Tonga Treasures in Topez
With Old Man Winter right around the corner, I'm glad I will have all these new friends to keep me company. So why do I bring up all these fun purchases? This weekend, Craftsy is having their Farewell to Summer Sale (September 16th through the 18th).
What a great way to prepare for the cozy months of inside play by taking advantage of all the great clearance items they have marked down, and you can never be too prepared for that unexpected gift that you need to whip up. Also, I will mention that I am a Craftsy affiliate, so most links in this post contain affiliate links.
And on a completely different note, do you remember the small kitten we rescued about 3 weeks ago?
Good news, as much as we enjoyed having him (especially Caroline, who became quite attached) last weekend he found his way to his fur-ever home. He is now happily playing with a sweet 10 year old girl and proudly sporting the name Turbo. Which left one feral kitten left at David's work. His co-worker was finally able to catch the little baby, and as you would guess it, my lover of cats husband brought it home.
Meet nugget #2. I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but she was a bit jittery by the time we got her home last night, so no bath yet and no lifting of the little tail to check. She's a bit more feisty and definitely healthier than her brother was, but I have no doubt that after 24 hrs of loving care she will be mush in our hands. So as always, if anyone knows anyone that would love to give this beauty a good home, please let me know, or if you could send some positive vibes this way that we can find her a home soon that would be great.
Today I'm linking up with Can I Get A Whoop! Whoop!
And on a completely different note, do you remember the small kitten we rescued about 3 weeks ago?
Good news, as much as we enjoyed having him (especially Caroline, who became quite attached) last weekend he found his way to his fur-ever home. He is now happily playing with a sweet 10 year old girl and proudly sporting the name Turbo. Which left one feral kitten left at David's work. His co-worker was finally able to catch the little baby, and as you would guess it, my lover of cats husband brought it home.
Meet nugget #2. I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but she was a bit jittery by the time we got her home last night, so no bath yet and no lifting of the little tail to check. She's a bit more feisty and definitely healthier than her brother was, but I have no doubt that after 24 hrs of loving care she will be mush in our hands. So as always, if anyone knows anyone that would love to give this beauty a good home, please let me know, or if you could send some positive vibes this way that we can find her a home soon that would be great.
Today I'm linking up with Can I Get A Whoop! Whoop!
I have Stash envy :)
I hope you will find the right family for nugget number 2. For year I was a foster home for cats and it was a joy when they find their humans
What fun and beautiful boxes of fabric. The mystery box must have been a fun surprise to open. And you all have such generous hearts; I'm so glad those kitties have some time getting loved and spoiled by you. :)
It is always fun to get those treasures in the mail! I envy you...seeing those boxes, oh my!! I am trying so hard not to partake in any fabric buying for a while. I'm bound and determined to use more of what I have!
Oh Tish. I am adventurous but you are downright reckless - THREE boxes??? Guess what - you just justified my next purchase. I am sure just as your quilts are loved, so also the kitties will be loved too.
Good for you, Tish! Stock up when they have a good sale. The money it takes to 'run to the store' is usually more than that one chunk of fabric we need. I've never been disappointed in the Craftsy boxes of bundles.
You are so brave. :) I don't know if I could do a mystery box. Maybe one of these days when I am feeling adventurous. Yours turned out pretty nice though, I can see a few fun projects in there.
I got a mystery box from craftsy once and boy! - it was a huge desaster. ha ha - well, you just never know what you'll get. I lov the kitten. If had means to drop her of in Berlin I would take. Good luck in finding her a home.
Well,in my humble opinion..IMHO, those boxes of fabric are pure necessities, after all, with winter coming, the roads might be closed, internet access denied, and more. It is so like having plenty of firewood , or stacks of hay in the barn. Love the arrow design.
Three boxes sounds reasonable. I was looking at a few things from Craftsy they may have landed in my cart. I haven't checked out yet...
Those FQ and 1-yd cuts look wonderful! I'll be watching to see how you use them. Have a great weekend :)
Your Craftsy purchases are amazing! That C&S box -- I have a little envy goin' on. Those kitties are so adorable, makes me want a kitten again! Wendy at
Great additions to your stash Tish, and of course your purchases were rational! I can't believe you have another rescue cat. I hope you can find her as good a home as you found for her brother.
Looks like great additions to your stash! Those big kitty eyes are adorable!
Oooh, aaaah! You scored big time! Have lots of quilty fun this winter with all those new fabrics. Two lucky kitties! My daughter is a rescuer, too! Your new addition looks like her last acquisition, which she kept! XO
We have a cat named Turbo! She's a cute little rescue calico but the guys in the house outnumber me and they insisted that she be called Turbo and not Tara which was the name in her adoption papers. Thanks for the heads up on the Crafsty sale.
Oh my...what beautiful fabrics. I wish the Canadian dollar was better. But that along with shipping's no longer a deal. Enjoy!
Perfectly rational! ;) Looks like you totally lucked out with the mystery box. How fun! And those sweet little baby kittens are too precious! Hope you're able to find a home for nugget #2 soon!
The stash boxes from Craftsy and the kits all look so great Tish. You really did get a nice mystery box!
This new little kitty is just too sweet. What a gorgeous face. So happy you found a furever home for Turbo. :) Love the name!
Very nice post. Best online shopping store which sell all the products are attractive discount prices.
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