Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Happy Mail #2

Since we've entered the age of the internet, it seems the contents of those little metal boxes attached to poles lessen and lessen.  Or when you do open that small rounded door all that is left is a pile of bills, and who wants that??  But every once and a while, you pull that door bravely open and find that the mail gods have smiled upon you and low and behold a little present awaits you.

I am quite a bit late in writing this post.  It seems like things around wonderland have been crazy as of lately, but I wanted to take a second to share some happy mail that has made it's way to me over the past few months.

Several months ago, I was lucky enough to pattern test for Cheryl over a Meadow Mist Designs.  I consider Cheryl to be one of my pattern writing mentors.  She has helped my pattern writing to evolve so much, so I considered being asked to pattern test a huge honor.  Plus I had been hoping to pattern test for her for some time.  I believe pattern testing is a great way to work on your writing skills as well, because you look at the pattern in a more technical manner.  But I digress.  A few weeks later this charm pack of Atrium by Joel Dewberry and four mini charms of Moda's Gardenvale showed up in my mail box.  She sent them as a thank you for pattern testing.  This was completely unexpected and over the top generous. A huge thank you to Cheryl for the goodies!

Next up, I was the winner of a giveaway.  What? What?  These actually arrived in the mail yesterday and I almost completely forgot about them.  Back in March I participated in the 2016 New Block Blog Hop sponsored by Paintbrush Studios.  The challenge was to create a 12" block using FQ's of their Ocean Sunrise bundle.  They were also hosting several give aways of a FQ Bundles in the Ocean Sunrise palette.  I was one of the lucky random winners.  I'm not 100% sure what I will do with these, but ideas are brewing.

Speaking of give aways, I also won a copy of Lara at Buzzin Bumble's book Crafted Applique from Jenn at A Quarter Inch From the Edge during Lara's month long blog hop for her book.

(Have you seen the book yet??  It's amazing.  Quilt life changing.)  I had actually already purchased a copy of the book.  Lara offered to refund the money of any one who won that already had purchased the book.  But when she contacted me I had another idea.  I told her I felt her book was worth every penny I paid for it and would even buy it again should I ever need to.  So I asked if she would hold on to that copy and I will do a give away for the book (maybe say July) after I make something using her method.  And she said, of course!  The reason I want to do this is because, I have had a love hate relationship with applique.  I love the look of it.  I HATE to do it.  However, after reading Lara's book, I think I'm in love.  I think trying this technique will be a good project for both me and Dave the quilt engineer (hubby's new name for himself).  So make sure you check back in periodically to see how our adventure turns out and win a copy for yourself!

And my last item of happy mail probably makes me the most happy.  Leanne at Devoted Quilter hosted a give away in honor of her blog reaching 100,000 page views.  The give away was for a mini quilt of denim hexi flowers she created.  Let me tell you it is breath taking.  You can read her post about crating it here.  Winning this little wall hanging was exactly what I needed at the time I won it, I was blown away and my spirits where lifted.  I couldn't wait to take pictures of it to share with you.

The quilting is absolutely breath taking.

The denim hexi mini hangs on my wall next to my beautiful pillow cover made my Sandra at mmmquilts.  (you can read about Sandra's beautiful heart here and here.)  Hands down my favorite wall in the house.

I can see them when I'm sewing, doing the dishes or hanging out in our living room and that makes me very happy.

So just curious, have you ever received happy mail?  If so what is some of your favorite things you have received?


Cut&Alter said...

What a lot of lovely happy mail you have received recently - and lucky on the giveaways too!! I too am getting some lovely mail land on my dorrstep because I'm Queen Bee in my hive for The Stash Bee :)

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Wow, that is all really fabulous, Tish. I believe what goes around comes around, and so I am also imagining all the wonderful energy you have shared out into the world in balance. <3

Yanicka said...

That book was worth every cent I paid for it. Enjoy it is really fun

Janice Holton said...

No happy mail yet, but I keep hoping! What is your secret?? :) Applique is something I haven't tried yet and it doesn't look appealing to me but everybody is raving about how Lara's book has changed their mind, so . . . there must be something to it. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what you decide to do!

Stitchin At Home said...

I love happy mail, even if it is someone else receiving it. It is a wonderful book and I'm looking forward to seeing what you and the quilt engineer come up with.

Melva said...

Happy mail is awesome! One of the best surprise happy mails that I received was a hand-written note from the mom of a couple children I had provided daycare for. They had moved out of state and she was beginning a new job and shared with me how difficult it was to leave her daughters at the daycare facility... but that she never felt that way when she brought them to my house. <3 It made my heart melt! One of the other happy mails that I received was a mug from a magazine in thanks for being a pattern tester. It's great! I use it as pen/pencil holder in my sewing room.

Nancy J said...

The very best happy mail I have ever received was the card, thanking me for my support to dear Walter over many years, and that Kristine had sent his wall-hanging ( "Walter's Mariner's Compass" to the Felixstowe museum, where memorabilia of the Coastal Naval Services are displayed. I had made this for his birthday, shortly before he died, and this was the biggest honour for me to know that a small part of Walter's and my friendship from New Zealand had gone to the UK.
Cheryl's fabric goodies, so generous, and a wonderful way to say thankyou.

Lisa J. said...

What a wonderful happy post. Just soak all this in.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

What happy mail you've gotten recently! Couldn't have come to a nicer person. I won Lara's book as well and I hope to use it soon on a project I've got brewing. That was a happy day because I love applique and I think her technique is life-changing and can't wait to try it out.

Sue said...

Love a bit of surprise mail. Looks like you've collected quite a stash. I often count on-line orders in as happy mail. If they've been ordered from overseas they take a few weeks to get here and then it's like getting a present since its been so long since you parted with the cash. My most recent happy mail though was a cookbook I won on a blog that arrived a few days before my birthday. I saved it and opened it on the day. :-)

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Awesome mail to have received. You are on a winning streak.

Cheryl said...

Great wins and thanks again for pattern testing for me! That mini quilt is just amazing!

FlourishingPalms said...

How fun to get to pattern test! I used to be a quilting magazine editor, and I always enjoyed writing pattern instructions, though sometimes they can be involved and convoluted! The hexie mini you received is glorious! I love the quilting in it. You really have a winner there. Happy mail for me is always fabric. Since I live in a fabric-shop-free town, and the nearest shop of consequence is nearly an hour away, most of my fabric and supplies come by mail. Gosh, but I wish I could just pop into a shop whenever I need Aurifil. That's what I really miss! I'm glad for your great happy mail. Good stuff there.

Jayne said...

Dang girl!!! Happy mail indeed! You are one lucky lady! I'm sure you will come up with an idea for each and every piece of that fabric...Yay to giveaways...yay to fabric!

Lara B. said...

Tish, your mailbox loves you lately, LOL. Oh you are a lucky duck! But it's really just good karma returning to you. I especially love Leanne's gorgeous hexi quilt! What a wonderful wall to have displayed in your home. Thanks for the fun plans you have for Crafted Applique!

Preeti said...

Since you were late in writing this post, I feel quite all right in commenting so late :-p
So glad that you found goodies in your mailbox that you can enjoy...
Mostly it is promotions and flyers and when you succumb to them, there are bills UGH. I was the lucky winner of Lara's book and there is applique in my future...definitely. I look forward to your creations :-)
I cannot believe Leanne sent THAT quilted gorgeousness to you. I saw that on her blog and was completely mesmerized by its beauty. Although I am very happy that you got it, I still cannot believe how could anyone part with such exquisiteness...

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