Thursday, February 4, 2016

Scrappy TBT

Do you know what day it is?  Thursday, time to join Jenn at A Quarter Inch From The Edge and throw back to quilts from our quilting past.  Since Jenn has proclaimed 2016 as the year of the stash, I've decided to shine a light on a quilt that was made up from stash fabric (except for the borders, binding and backing).

This pattern first caught my eye when I purchased a copy of Quilt magazine back in 2012.  By this time in my quilting past I had several quilts under my belt, thus also having a growing stash and scrap pile.  I desperately wanted to use some of it up and this quilt seemed like the perfect answer for my hodgepodge of fabrics.  The quilt was called Dazzling Scraps designed by Paula Barnes and would measure (without borders) 64" square.

If I remember correctly, I pieced it not long after purchasing the magazine, although, I did not decide to finally finish it until 2014.  I went back and forth in  my head on how I would quilt it, but couldn't come up with anything.  My points on the edge of the quilt left a bit to be desired and I knew that if I just quilted and bound it, it wouldn't be pretty.  I made the decision to add a border.

I found the orange fabric with the tiny multi colored flowers at a local quilt shop and thought maybe just maybe it could pull the scrappiness together.  After I got home and tried the fabric out I just wasn't happy with it.  It needed something else.  With the small blue border, it seemed to work.

As for the quilting, I chose to do stippling in the center section and straight lines in the border.    I used a cream colored thread for the stippling and an invisible thread in the border.

I like to think my free motion quilting has come along way since then.  There are places on the quilt where some of the large stitches have become loose and need fixed.  It's definitely obtained that nice crinkled softness that is perfect for cuddling.

The binding needs a little TLC from a few too many washes.

I love that when I look at this quilt I have memories of other projects I've made.

I see a two table runners, a log cabin quilt, a quilt I made my friend for Christmas and many more.

This quilt has been loved by everyone in my family, human and furry.  It's lived on our living room couch for snuggling and kept me warm in my bed.

It was even loved before it was finished.

 It's even traveled with me to a New Years Eve party.

Sober or decide
One thing is for sure, it may be well loved and a bit rough around the edges...but it cleans up nicely.

 My beautiful niece and my nephew and his fiancee letting me practice my photography skills.

I can admit that when I first pieced this quilt, I was not in love with it, but over the years it has come to be one of my favorites.  I probably didn't realize how much I loved it, until I started writing this post and digging through pictures.  So, I owe Jenn a huge thank you for this linky party.  Without it I might not have realized how much I love it.  It will never find it's way to a quilt show but it will never leave my side.

Even Becker couldn't stand the thought of losing this quilt.

Linking up today with Can I Get a Whoop! Whoop!, and Throwback Thursday.


Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Isn't it funny how many feeling are wrapped up in an older quilt? And that we don't even realize it until we get to writing? I hadn't even made the stash connection with the quilt I chose for this month and The Year of the Stash until you wrote it in your post. Thank YOU for linking up your quilt and its story with Throwback Thursday @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love how going through these throwback post exercises we end up learning so much about ourselves and our early quilts. This one is lovely and it is great that you have so many photos of it in use being loved. I have a few quilts with binding that needs mending, too, but I love and use them so much I haven't decommissioned them long enough to fix them. :)

Jayne said...

I love your photo shoot! Especially with the doggy nose all tucked in! I'm not sure Jenn realized how wonderful this link up was going to be! The years may have gone by, but the memories stay! Although I have to admit it isn't until I revisit an oldie that I remember! Your quilt has some stories to tell!

Bernie Kringel said...

This is a great story about the history of your quilt. It has such a scrap happy feel to it. Wonderful colors and really fun photos. Thanks for sharing this!

Paige said...

Your quilt is really loved! Great pictures of how everyone enjoys it! I love the scrappiness and you still had the magazine from where the pattern published!

Shelina said...

This quilt is obviously much loved, and with good reason too. It is beautiful!

Nancy J said...

I like it,bright, borders adding the extra dazzle, and so well loved. What a treasure for everyone, and models included, 2 and 4 legged.

Dominique said...

I'll take an imperfect, well worn quilt, with lots of love and memories over a show quilt that we are afraid to use ... Thanks for sharinf the story of this beautiful quilt.

JanineMarie said...

Oh, I love seeing a quilt that has been so well loved and holds so many memories. I can tell that it has just the right patina for snuggling in because it just seems to pull everyone to it. (I think the dog in the New Year's picture is a bit jealous, though. Did you take it away from him?) I love linky parties, but this one is fast becoming my favorite because all the quilts become real with their stories.

Stitchin At Home said...

A well loved quilt holds memories for both the maker and those who use it.

Lisa J. said...

What a beautiful story to go with this quilt. It definitely is loved by human and animal alike.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

This is a lovely throwback quilt Tish. Some, and I mean mine, are a little, ahem, not what we like now. But, this is still a lovely quilt, and obviously much loved.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Great quilt. I love that it's coming apart -- that means it's being used and is well loved. That's what quilts are meant for.

April said...

How sweet. The best quilts are those with a story and yours is lovely. Beautiful quilt!

Sandra Walker said...

Your photography is superb Tish, especially the second one of your niece alone. Love it. Like this quilt. I love it and love that it evokes thoughts of other projects, other people, which is why I so love scrap quilts. Oh Oliver! And the boys-mwah! I have some quilts, and have seen some quilts I gave as gifts, that have glotten a bit frayed around the edges, kind of like me, ha, but that just shows how very much they are loved, and that's what's important, right?

Cheryl said...

What a fun quilt, it looks like everyone in the family is enjoying the quilt. I love it when my cat and dog have to test out my quilts.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

A quilt is like a hug, especially when it has been as well loved as this one. Thanks for sharing your story.

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

Wonderful story about your well loved and used quilt! I know it must feel good that your scrappy quilt is appreciated!

elle said...

What a great quilt and such nice colouring!

Mary #2 said...

Hi Tish. Love the quilt! It’s beautiful and the pics are great! I have some quilts from my grandmother that are worn but there are so many memories in each one ❤️ Do you know where I can find this pattern? I’ve been trying to find it 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thanks

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