It's Saturday and it seemed like there was no better time than trying to bring the old UFO Busting party back to life. If you are new to the party, it's a place to share progress on UFO's (unfinished objects), things that are becoming a UFO, things that distract us from UFO's or even something that didn't become a UFO. Basically, just show up and share what you are working on or what inspires you.
This week I shared about my recent quilt finish of Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation's Strip Tango. For my version of the quilt, I used an adorable dinosaur print. It felt good to have a finished project under my belt after not quilting for so long. You can read more about this little quilt here.
I was super excited to find that the fabric requirements give an option for pre-cuts. I have a ton of them laying around the house. So if you are looking to use up some charm packs or even layer cakes, this quilt could be for you. Read more about the quilt along here.
Next up I have officially opened the fabric kit for Hello Summer that I ordered from Sarah Made. I've decided to add a white on white into the mix. I cannot wait to cut into this pile of fabric!
Since I'm on a quilting roll, I decided it was way past time to pull out this UFO from 2015. Technically, this isn't my quilt. It was pieced by my at the time husband to gift to a family friend. I had it quilted except for the two large blue and cream squares. I had no idea what to do in them. With a little inspiration from Angela Walters and Natalia Bonner the ideas are flowing.
I've been sneaking in quilting time before I go to work in the mornings and have made progress in one of the squares. I'm super excited to get this one headed toward a finish. It's time to get this quilt headed to the home where it belongs.
Now that I have covered all my quilty bases for the week, it's your turn. Link up below and show us all the quiltastic stuff you have been up to.
I love your Hello Summer quilt! It's very pretty
with the white added, it makes it pop. Have
a great day!
I try to sneak sewing time into the mornings too. It is super hard to go to work when that happens.
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