Saturday, September 12, 2020

UFO Busting #120


Happy Saturday!  Let's get our quilt on!  This week I'm celebrating an actual UFO finish.  Started in late 2017 I present to you Blue and Gold Star Cross.

I really had to rack my brain to come up with my quilting motifs.  But once I got them going they just flowed.  You can read more about the quilting of this one here.

Now that a UFO is complete, it's time to help a newer project not fall into that category.  Hopefully this weekend this little red, white and blue project will find itself basted and quilting started.  Fingers crossed.

Speaking of fingers crossed and holding breath...that's how Chris at Chris Knits Sews left me last week!  She is a woman on a mission.  She is working hard to prevent a UFO from happening.  She has a baby quilt to finish and STAT!

She left us with the pieced top and I LOVE the pattern she landed on.  I think it's perfect with these fabrics.  Like a child, I'm banging my scissors on the table yelling more!  I want to see it quilted!  Her deadline for the baby shower was today and I'm hoping she got it all finished right on time.  I'm cheering for you over here!  

Also celebrating a UFO finish with me is Bernie over at Needle and Foot Fine Fabrics.  Bernie has created the most adorable little farm quilt for her granddaughters.

I hope this sweet little quilt, absorbs lots of little giggles from the sisters as they share picnics and lay back and look at the clouds on it.  Bernie did have a little red bleeding mishap (I hate when that happens.  Why does red misbehave so badly??).  Go congratulate her on her finish and read bout how some quilty friends help Bernie save the day and get that red behaving like good fabric should!

Now let's see what you've been up to this week.  Link up below and tell us all about it!

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Michelle said...

Your red, white, and blue project is looking good! Chris’s baby quilt is so awesome! I hope she got it finished too!


Pamela Arbour said...

Your quilting is beautiful. I know what you mean. I usually agonize over the quilting until I actually start. Then it just comes!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Tish! Yay you for a UFO finish from 2017 and a gorgeous one at that. Your quilting is inspiring - I'll have to check on your link for more details and to PIN a few photos. Nice, nice job Tish! I also adore your r/w/b project. I was just sewing on a runner of those exact colors - I like your layout better. {{Hugs}} Take care, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

Bernie Kringel said...

The quilting on your UFO is gorgeous. Also love the pattern Chris is making for the baby quilt. I need to go over and read more about that one. Thank you for sharing my red and yellow quilt Tish!!

Sara said...

The R,W,B project is so pretty! One of my favorite color combos. Sometimes I have to work really hard to keep a project from becoming a UFO. LOL

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