Saturday, April 21, 2018

UFO Busting #16

I feel like I'm showing up to my own party empty handed, but I promise I can explain.  First off, there has not been extreme amounts of sewing going on this week.  Then, the few things I have worked on I can't show you.  But I can kind of tell you about them.

I have been working on pattern testing the lap version of the upcoming Fire Burst Mystery Quilt (I have posted a tentative schedule on the landing page).  Right now it is setting on the table as a pile of finished blocks to be pieced together this weekend.  In my pattern testing venture I have gained a buddy to join me.  Anja (Anja Quilts) agreed, pretty enthusiastically, to pattern test this quilt as a mystery for me.  This has been so much help!  She is catching all the little things I've missed and hopefully, fingers crossed, having fun.

The pinwheel quilt is still fast asleep on the Sweet Sixteen.  I've had too many other fun distractions to unwrap her and finish her.

The distractions? 
There was chauffeuring to and from a romantic teenage dinner date for my daughter and her boyfriend...sigh.

The 2018 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop kicked off this week with eight new quilt bloggers introducing themselves to us.  If you haven't check it out yet, hop over to here to find out more.  You can also sign up for the give aways being offered by our sponsors.

The next cool distraction is something I've been working on for a little while.  I was contacted a few months ago my Melva (Melva Loves Scraps) about David and I being part of her Quilters Through the Generation Series.

I love what she is doing with this series.  Quilting full of history, that is just a fact.  Melva is taking the time to interview and document families that quilt helping to preserve some of this history.  She first contacted me because she knew that both David and I quilt and we are a family.  What she didn't know at the time, is that we both come from families with lots of quilters in them.  So this week, I have been photographing my family quilts and answering questions about them.  If you'd like to read more about my quilty DNA, Melva will be featuring me on April 28 and David in May.  If you come from a family tree sprinkled with quilters, Melva is always looking for people to interview for the series.  Please contact her.  It was a wonderful experience and I have to admit, looking back through pictures and remembering the ladies I miss so dearly was wonderful.

What do you do when you turn your guild's challenge project into a mystery quilt?  You go back to the drawing board for the challenge project.

Luckily for me, I have just enough of these fabrics left to still create something without having to purchase more fabric.  Thank goodness for over buying, right?

The last little distraction was helping a fellow quilter not be a UFOer.  I don't want to give the details, but was contacted by a fellow blogging friend in need of help.  She recently pieced the absolute SWEETEST quilt for her granddaughter and was stuck on the quilting.  Her quilt top was much more fun than the actual work I was doing, so I took a break to provide some help.  I drew up a little plan and she loved it.  That evening I had my daughter video me drawing out the stitching path so she could see how to easily dance around the quilt.  Sometimes moving around the quilt is the stumper.  I'm happy to say she has been stitching the nights away.  I hope she shares it with us when she's done.  Here's to a quilt not living in UFO land!!

Let's talk about last week.  Last week, I talked about how UFO's are created.  This week how about UFO's in their raw form.  My dear friend Sandra (mmm!quilts) is always a lady with irons in the fire and juggling projects galore.

She shared with us her goals for the second quarter of the year and it is full of projects in fabric pull form.  If you want to take a break and drool over some hot fabric porn (it's rated G) hop over to Sandra's now and check out her list of "to makes" and those lingering to be finishes we all know about too well.

So what are you up to this week?  Are you like me and have nothing really sharable or are you competing in the Most Productive Quilter Pageant (no bikini's required)?  Link up and tell us about it below!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the "dancing" over the quilt! I hope you post the video once the quilt is given away.
Also ... when life isn't so busy (ha, ha, ha!) ... I'd love to test one of your mystery quilts ...
Happy Quilting! Quilting Gail quilting gail at yahoo dot ca

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You might not have done a lot of sewing this week, but you have been quite busy! I look forward to reading your features by Melva.

Shelina said...

Wow you have been really busy!

Sandra Walker said...

Gosh I got all hot and bothered seeing my own quilt porn shot again! LOL I made the first block for that quilt, and ya, hot and bothered when that happened too..this one is going to be stellar. This week I'm not flashing my bits 'n pieces (ha!) I'm showing off finish that was a longtime WMI (wanna make it - which is the precursor to a DrEAMi!) and then it became a UFO on my list and now it has the most glorious checkmark beside it! I just LOVE that you showed our good friend how to do the quilt path on her granddaughter's quilt, which I have been loving seeing come together! I'm sure you've given her a stellar path to follow.

Emily said...

Your schedule for the fireburst QAL looks great--so excited!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Wowee - you've been busy but in a good distraction kind of way. I'll check out your Landing page. I hope we get to see your friend's granddaughter's quilt when it is complete along with the quilting pattern suggestion! I'd love to be given a 'roadmap' of sorts . . . that sounds great.
~smile~ Roseanne

Janice Holton said...

Oh my goodness Tish! You have so many things going on. It makes me even MORE grateful for the help you gave me with my little baby quilt. I did link up to your UFO party today and although I'm not yet done with it, I think I will actually finish, binding and all tonight! Then I'll tell the full story about how my quilting design came to be! :) Thank you so much. You have a true mentor's heart.

piecefulwendy said...

I did link up today, with a little mini that is probably my youngest UFO. I only had the UFO portion going on for about a week or two, but that counts, right? So I'm sitting here, drumming my fingers and trying to figure out how to get ahead of my blogging schedule (but that's for a different discussion . . .). Your week has been busy, but full of good things! I'm looking forward to reading about your family history of quilts, as well as Dave's. I have quilts from my great grandmother, both grandmothers, my mother, my aunts, my sister in law, and my daughter. Someday I hope to write posts on each of the quilts. Looking forward to the mystery QAL, and those fabrics of Sandra's are the bomb!

KaHolly said...

I have nothing to link up...~sigh~...but I have kept busy at the machine. Just nothing really show/share worthy. Your distractions sound kinda' fun.

Louise said...

SO cool that Melva is interviewing you and David! I'm really looking forward to reading your stories. And I love that you've been helping Janice with her pink roses quilt. Quilters are good folks :)

I went great guns on an older UFO this week, but didn't document it at all, sigh. It resisted being finished and needs more marinating anyway, but that's OK. A squirrel appeared suddenly, which is probably a pre-UFO.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

The worrying thing about this porn , is it really is addictive . It had even replaced the property porn I used to watch on tv

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

Ps I'd love to track down your interview when it floats

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I did have fun testing. I think I'll make the larger size during the QAL. Will have to search the stash to find some fabric.

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