Saturday, January 27, 2018

UFO Busting #4

We are four weeks into this UFO adventure and I would just like to say how proud I am of all of us.  We have already seen some finishes and definitely have made major progress.  Let's stop and give ourselves a pat on the back.

This week I was able to finish piecing together a baby quilt made from left over bits from another quilt.

I want to quilt this up so badly, but for now it must join the pile of to be quilted.  I would like to work on the companion quilt to this quilt and finish it up as well.  These quilts will have a special story, but I can't share it quite yet.  But I declare they will be finished this year!

Remember David's Not Turning Twenty Quilt I shared last week?  After much back and forth in my head I have finally started quilting on it.

I am quilting each of the pieced sections separately with the woodgrain motif.  I'm hoping it will give it a wooden plank look.  At least that is what I'm telling myself.  Hopefully, with in the next two weeks I will be sharing it with you as a finish.

These bits and pieces will become the January 2018 Aurifil BOM block designed by Katja Marek.  I will be making my block similar in construction to the way Pat Sloan made her block.  So why I am showing you this in my UFO post?  Technically it is a new project.  One, it's a new project distracting me from my old ones and two, I hope that the same technique will work with the October Aurifil block I still need to make from last year.  Fingers crossed that it does, then all I need is Pat's setting instructions and I am good to go.

Did you see this quilt last week by Anja at Anja Quilts?  She was finally able to finish up her Wayward Transparency Quilt, just in time for Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirls linky party (If you hadn't heard the party has been extended until February 7th).  I love those simple straight lines and those yummy green fabrics!  Congratulations on your finish, Anja!!  

Now it's your turn?  What have you been up too?  Are you stuck and don't know how to finish something?  Do you have a UFO finish to celebrate.  Or are you pouting in the corner because you got distracted or frustrated?  Link up and share with us.  Feel free to grab my button below and let people know, you do believe UFO's are have a shelf full of them!

UFO Busting

And on a completely different note.  For those that like to follow David and his quilting adventures, he recently checked into his blog and wrote what he's been up too.  His blogging due to time is hit or miss.  I try to mention him and his quilting from time to time here.  You can find him over at Dave The Quilt Engineer.


Nancy J said...

Yes, Dave's latest adventures/work loads and achievements have been read and replied to. What a busy life. Love your new year starts, I am looking at the next foxy fabrics. Just when you think you have ample scraps, none are quite large enough to do matching ears, or paws.A very good reason to purchase a few more half metres!!!

Puppilalla said...

Hello Tish, what great progress on your UFOs. As always it looks as if you and David keep busy. The amount of things you do at the same time makes me dizzy. =) I am cheering from the sidelines. =)

piecefulwendy said...

That little baby quilt is so pretty. Will look forward to hearing the story behind the quilts. The Wayward quilt is so pretty; it's been fun seeing all of them. I really need to get a photo done of my top (at least). If I could figure out where to spray baste my quilt here in the house, I'd be tempted to give quilting it a try. Still thinking on that. What is David's blog name? I'd like to follow him too. Thanks!

Stitchin At Home said...

The baby quilt is adorable, love the fabrics you used in it. Can't wait to see Dave's all quilted with the woodgrain I think it will look great.

Louise said...

Oo, a mystery story behind those baby quilts! I'm intrigued :)

I do think about my UFOs more now that you're blogging regularly about it. I have one hanging on a rod underneath the window, and it's moving up on my priority list!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

A quilt top is progress. It looks great. Thanks for the quilty love. My UFO Busting isn't a finish today, but it's a finished quilt top. Hoping to figure out how to quilt it and get it finished soon.

Sandy Panagos said...

I love getting to anticipate "the rest of the story!" The baby quilt is really cute and a bonus, too. Nice projects.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

Good going finishing your ufos . Although I do have ufos , trust me , I seem to be starting new things . Will link up a UFO to give me a kick up the ass

Cheryl said...

You are making such great progress with your UFO!!

Emily said...

I love that wood grain quilting!

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