I occurred to me last night, that I didn't share last month's progress on the Magnolia Mystery Quilt going on right now over at Meadow Mist Designs. October's instructions were to make Half Flying Geese Units.
I am loving the color combination of the solid orange with the lacey paisley look of the blue and white fabrics.
November's instructions are for Flower Units. I was so excited to see these come together. It was easy to breeze through them, chain piecing style.
Flower unit pieces beside my favorite pin cushion. Which just happens to be a prize I won from one of Cheryl's Mystery Parade giveaways a few years ago.
I think I see them starting to bloom.
Are we there yet??
Oh wait, what's wrong with the one in the middle? I guess there has to be one difficult one in every bunch. Don't worry, it has been picked apart and corrected.
Wait, Tish, you got all of this done over night, those instructions were released yesterday?? I'd love to fuel the rumors that I am actually a robot, or a vampire because it seems like I never sleep, but I finished these months ago. I will always remain Cheryl's faithful mystery quilt tester for as long as she lets me :)
What I did get done last night, though, was the last two sets of Spinning Friendship blocks for the block exchange next Monday. Nothing like cutting it close, right?
Somewhere in my messy travels I lost three HST's in the last two sets of blocks. After some
Even though Halloween is over, how about a quilting scary story? A fair maiden goes into a quilt shop hoping to find just the right fabrics for a baby quilt. She falls in love with some beautiful Moda Ambleside charms and a bolt of Michael Miller Fairy Frost. She needs the equivalent of two charm packs of the Fair Frost. She does the math in her head, then on her phone and confidently tells the shop worker how much she needs. Happy with her purchase she heads home.
She spends the next few days petting the fabrics, flipping through the charms like a deck of cards, and dreaming about cutting into that Fair Frost like a beautifully frosted cake.
The moment comes. It's perfect. Angels are singing, I think I even heard harps playing and blue birds were flying over head. Five inch strips were cut and subcut to form perfect(ish) squares.
Then it happened.
The sky stared to darken. The angels and birds disappeared and a strange thick fog started forming around her feet. Eighty 5" squares lay before her with one more strip to cut. She knew she only needed one more square to bring her total to the required 81. Then the horror of her situation became clear. All that was left before her was the sad remnant of a 4.5" strip of fabric.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! WHY???????????????
And that was the end of our maiden. The horror of the situation did her in and she never quilted again. Just kidding. She whined to her friends on Instagram about her problem and decided to take their advice and piece the strip together and cut a 5" square. The fabric is so busy no one will notice. The end. Don't you love when a story has a happy ending?
I love the charm story! That has happened to me several times. Your solution was the right one for the reasons you stated! I have also found that making what is seemingly a simple block can turn into a problem. Usually that is because I rush it and just want to finish...not the best way to work! I love also that you are a realist quilter. Perfection is great and sometimes there does need to be perfection, but nothing is perfect...right?!
I love your color choices for the Magnolia Mystery QAL! I am planning to work on my blocks this weekend. :)
I am so glad you decided to piece together to get your 5” square. Your flower blocks look great and I am excited to put mine together this month. And congratulations for getting your swap blocks done!
I'm so pleased the fair maiden had a happy ending, something like that can scar a quilter for life you know. Your mystery quilt is coming on great, I chose not to do this years because of other commitments (Gypsy) and keep drooling over everyone else's blocks. Don't you feel sorry for me?
Your swap blocks look good, they would make a lovely quilt. Perfect can be over rated at times. Your flower blocks look lovely.
In between quilting, sewing, searching and travelling, you should definitely write a book. I loved the story, and with a few photos or sketches, could be the start of a new career. Pieced, a great way to have that final square, lovely fabrics in your mystery blocks too.
I was going to say, did you stay up all night to make those flower blocks. Good to hear you had then already done. I've only managed to print off the directions. LOL All your blocks look great.
You are the perfect person to test patterns! You get things done! How you do that AND stay so organized is a mystery to me! Love your story. I think it happens to most of us who don’t add extra to our yardage 'just in case'. It also happens a lot to those of us who work from scraps! XO
I'm so glad the story has a happy ending! Piecing will be just fine! Loving your Mystery progress!
You should have just let us all think you are super woman!!! I too would have pieced that last square to make it work. You won't notice when it is all pieced and quilted(been there done that!).
Your flower units look great, you have wonderful contrast between your fabrics.
I must be a fair maiden, too, that has happened to me more than once! I agree with piecing some together, usually only the quilter notices :) I love your colors for Magnolia Mystery!
Ha! Good luck convincing us you're not a quilt zombie! I love the way your Magnolia Mystery quilt is shaping up. And that baby quilt is so sweet!
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