Thursday, April 7, 2016

Indian Summer Part 2--TBT

Time for another addition of TBT to pay homage to quilts from our quilty past.  Jenn over a A Quarter Inch from the Edge hosts a linky party for us on the first Thursday each month (with a give away) so that we can all see the quilts that help get us to where we are today.

Last month I posted about my version of Indian Summer Wallhanging by Kim Sherrod, a free pattern over at Moda Bake Shop.  If you are not familiar with its sad and lonely story, you can read it here.  If you are familiar you may remember it has lived its life without a binding.  I am happy to report that as of last month it suffers no more.  It can be considered a completed quilt.

So after what I had considered a train wreck version of Indian Summer (which in reality is wasn't a train wreck) I decided to give it another go using a different color scheme.  I keep a board on Pinterest that I call Color Ideas that contains various pictures I have ran across on Pinterest that could be used for color palette ideas.  I decided to put one of those pictures to use.

I tired pulling the browns, creams, reds and whites from this beautiful snowy picture of an owl.  Since this is from my earlier days of quilting, there are no pictures of "in the making."  After the quilt was completed I wanted to give custom quilting another go.  So I spent some time drafting a new plan (before my Plexiglas days) and got to work.  I have to say I was quite proud of my finish. 

 I had hoped to get newer pictures of it for this post, but time just didn't allow for it.  After finishing it I gifted it to a friend who had been asking me for a wall hanging.  I'm not sure why I felt like I had to make a second one so badly.  I guess I felt like I had something to prove to myself.

So this concludes my addition of TBT and is the last part in the Indian Summer tale, at least for now.  It was a very quick and easy pattern that just required a few FQ's, so if you need a quick easy project check it out.  And don't forget to hop over to A Quarter Inch From The Edge and check out all the other TBT posts and sign up for the give away.

Today I'm linking up with Throwback Thursday and Needle and Thread Thursday.


LA Paylor said...

I like your color inspiration photo... nice

Sandra Walker said...

They both are so pretty, and doesn't it feel good to have that first one done?! I love that photo you used for inspiration; I should start a Pinterest board for that very purpose, as there are some photos, lots that I've taken, that I can just see a quilt there.

Lisa J. said...

That is one beautiful photo of an owl Tish. Both versions of this quilt are lovely...and of course wonderful quilting.

Stitchin At Home said...

I love your inspiration photo. Both quilts are lovely and so is the quilting.

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

I'd love to run that photo through Play Crafts Palette Builder. It's so crisp! Thanks for telling your tale and linking up with Throwback Thursday @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Love the quilting. The back looks as great as the front.

JanineMarie said...

I really like the front of the quilt, but the back. Oh, wow, the back. That quilting just pops! Thanks for sharing. I think your piped binding was just the right finish for your first version, too.

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