Saturday, February 29, 2020

UFO Busting #97

Happy Saturday!  Signs of spring are everywhere.  Flowers starting to poke up through the ground.  The robins are back searching for worms and the spring peepers (frogs) could be heard singing their happy little songs.  Then bam!  More snow.  I hope those little frogs have their long johns on, cause it's cold.  But cold outside means more inside time...more time for sewing. 

I was able to get my OMG for the month completed and The Great Outdoor Quilt is ready to be pieced!

Quilting continues on the Mosaic Mystery Quilt.  

I was hoping to reach the half way point by the beginning of next week, but I'm not sure I will hit that goal.  Fingers crossed I'm having a good quilting weekend.

I also celebrated finishing a UFO, The Star Quilt.  Crossing this one off has me super excited to get another project crossed off the list.  

You can read more about this quilt (which almost feels like a throw back post) here.

I was not the only one seeing stars this week.  First up we have Frédérique at Quilting Patchwork Applique and two of her cold stars.

This is a pretty cool star challenge project she has taken on.  The stars are named after real stars and their color depends on the star temperature.  Make sure you hope over to visit her and learn more about this project.

Next up we have Maggie at Making a Lather and she's distracted from working on other projects because she has stars in her eyes.  She's making what I think of as potato chip blocks.  You know, you want to make one but you just can't stop at one.

I'd love to encourage her to stop but I think they are darling!  I say just keep sewing!  Shoot on over to her page and check all these cute little blocks out.

And one more for the week, because I have a feeling Marti over at Plain Stitches is seeing stars as well, but maybe the kind that make your head hurt.  Marti is working on her quilt-as-you-go skills so that she can tackle a pretty Block of the Month Sampler she has pieced.

Quilt As You Go is one of those things I would love to perfect myself.  I've only made one project using this method and I didn't fall in love.  Hope over to Marti's and read about her current adventures with this skill.  Maybe you have some advice?  I'd even love to hear it.  

Now it's your turn.  Link up and tell us all about what you've been into this past week.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

And now I leave you with a bit of food fun.  One of the things we do at my new job is celebrate everyone's birthdays.  We cook a lunch and bring in a desert.  The month of February was a busy one with a birthday each week.  The birthday boy requested lemon as his favorite type of cake.  I know not everyone is crazy about lemon so I searched for a recipe that wouldn't be overwhelming.  Enter Julianne at Beyond Frosting and her Lemon Cream Pie Cupcakes.

These were amazing!!!!  There is even a surprise of lemon filling in the middle.  The best part is they had just the perfect hint of lemon to them.  I'm seriously thinking of making them again, but making them banana instead.  If you love lemon, you should give these a try.  



Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Thank you so much for featuring my cold stars! Here are new ones (and the last ones, yeah!).
Too bad for the snow, I hope nature is not freezing too much. Your Mosaic Mystery Quilt is going to be a beauty, love the quilting patterns. Pretty big star quilt!

Emily said...

Thanks for the QAYG link, I'll check it out. I love the simplicity but the one method I've tried so far isn't fantastic for joining pieces. I'm doing another method now and think I will like it better, but it's very specific and template based so isn't adaptable for other patterns.

Thanks for the cupcake link--I love lemon and want to try these!

Marti said...

Thank you for featuring me. That was such a surprise! Your quilting on the mosaic quilt is beautiful. Are you using rulers for all of it?

Shelina said...

I really like your star quilt - and congratulations on finishing a UFO! I am going to scroll fast past the cupcakes and try to forget I saw them! They look delicious!

Kathleen said...

Wonderful features. The quilt as you go defintely has some benefits, but I know what you mean. Love seeing your quilting progress - reminds me a lot of Angela Walters (just took her class last week at QuiltCon). I can't wait to get quilting, but I have a few things before I get back to it. Those cupcakes....look so delicious!

Sandra Walker said...

Drat! Wish I'd seen these before Florida, as I would've made them to take to John for his 80th. He loves lemon. Your star quilt is great, and yay for a UFO done and dusted! I'm loving seeing glimpses of your MM. :-)

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Tish! You made and decorated those cupcakes?!! WOWEE! You are multi-talented. I wish I could have tried one - I'm going to pop over and peek at the recipe. I might NEED to make a batch for a special celebration. Great job on cutting out all of the pieces for TGO project. I'm looking forward to seeing that one come together. ~smile~ Roseanne

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