The UFOs were buzzing like crazy in my house this week, so much so, that it was hard to focus on just one of them. The first project I tackled I can't show you quite yet. I put the finishing touches on the Fireburst Mystery Quilt post, finished Block 3 stuff and pieced the quilt tops. We actually had 20 minutes of sunshine and no rain so I grabbed the opportunity to get pictures of all five (you read that right) of my mystery quilts hanging on the clothes line. Since I opted for the Fireburst photo shoot, I totally missed out on getting pictures of my finished Star Blossoms Quilt for a look-I'm-finished post. When I say 20 minutes of no rain that was it.
Since a project is finished a new UFO needs to be born, right? I've decided to participate in Angela Walter's newest Free Motion Challenge Quilt Along. It is a weekly project in which she will walk you through various dot to dot quilting motifs on a simple quilt. The first quilting instructions will be out on Monday October 2nd so there is still plenty of time to piece the quilt and gather supplies if you want to join in. Seriously, there are only 3 seams to sew. The trickiest part was marking the 4 on point squares.
Next, I decided it was way past time to work on the Sewcial Bee Sampler again. I have all the blocks through 11 complete, so I pulled 12 and 13 out of their baggies and thought why not?
I got all the half square triangles and flying geese finished for the blocks, but for now they are probably going to have to just hang out on my sewing table until I can grab a few minutes to stitch them up.
That pretty much sums up my week of sewing. Let's see what fun things were posted last week.
There were a few UFO finishes to celebrate last week! First up we have Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn By Us. They sewed along last year with Pat Sloan and her Grandma's Kitchen QAL. Instead of turning all of those blocks into a quilt, they decided to make table runners instead.
There were a few UFO finishes to celebrate last week! First up we have Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn By Us. They sewed along last year with Pat Sloan and her Grandma's Kitchen QAL. Instead of turning all of those blocks into a quilt, they decided to make table runners instead.
I just love them! Because they were not huge and bulky like a quilt, it was the perfect playground to practice free motion quilting! Make sure you hop over and check them out.
This one is technically not a finish but it's so close it isn't funny. We have Helen visiting from Midget Gem Quilts. She currently has two projects she's focusing on; her so close to a finish it's not funny, Playtime Plus Quilt and her Quatrefoil Quilt.
She's taken a break from burying threads on Playtime to hand stitch the binding down. That seems reasonable to me. And I'm so proud of her for plugging right along with the free motion and she's working on quilting Quatrefoil! Her grandson will be snuggled up enjoying his quilt in no time, I can just feel it.
Now it's time to link up what you've been up to this week. Link up below and show us all the fun stuff you've been working on!