Man am I exhausted. I was running all weekend. Table running. Okay there really was no running involved what soever, just table runners. In May during our annual Strawberry Festival, my guild aids in hosting a quilt show and we run a boutique of homemade items to raise money for various projects and charities. Since, basket making wasn't going quite as I had hoped it would, I decided to take a break and whip up a few small quilted items.
Along with the boutique, our guild has been working hard to complete a quilt we will be raffling off. Remember my Scaptastic Award, presented to me by my friend Courtney and her family? The guild also received an award from them as well. Grandma Beulah's Stash Award, and what a award it was. We were able to use this donated stash to construct our raffle quilt we are calling Beulah's Jewel Box. And there is plenty of stash left over. Members that participated in the work days were encouraged to pick from the stash to make objects for the boutique. I decided on these 3 fabrics.
With the addition of a white on white from my stash I decided to turn them into the Moda Marbles Stars Tablerunner by Kimberly Jolly. I've pieced this runner several times before and knew it would go together very quick and easy.
I'm actually thinking about buying/donating money to the boutique for this item. You know how sometimes you work on a project and that little voice inside you tells you the quilt is talking to you? This one spoke to me and I think it already has a happy home to go to. I still have to quilt it, so I guess it could change it's mind.
The next three projects are all from the book 101 Fabulous Small Quilts. It's my go to book when I need a small project. So this book was the perfect choice.
First up is a small quilt called Scrap Squares. It required a few charm squares and a fat quarter.
I had a very small pile of charms left from a pack of Moda Papillon by 3 Sisters that I used to make my Spring Tiles and Chubby Churn Dash mini quilts. In no time at all they all came together to from this little mini.
Next up was Vintage Bow Ties done in a red, white and blue theme.
The bow tie block is about as classic as an Americana theme, so I thought they would go hand in hand to create this little mini.
One of the things I love about this book is the crazy names some of the quilts have. Which brings me to the last quilt, called Answer All Invitations That Ask You to RSVP. My charm pack of choice for this one was Moda's Portugal by April Cornell. Honestly, I do not remember buying this one and I know it's been in my stash for a very long time, so I was very glad to give it life.
I cut up some various white on white 5" squares to mix with the bright blues, yellows, reds and greens. This pattern used a new to me technique to create 4 patch blocks. You place to charms right side together and sew 1/4" from the left and right sides. Then cut in the center at 2 1/2"
Then you press them open line them back up so that opposite colors are on top of each other, sew along the left and right sides and cut in half again. To magical 4 patch squares. However, if you do not pay attention to which side you sewed before you cut, you might end up with something that looks like this. Of course I did this on purpose to show you what could happen...I'm so full of it.
After making one extra unit to replace this one I could finish this top.
Now it's time to get them quilted and if time permits, maybe make a few more.
The guild had originally hoped to have a boutique work day last Saturday but unfortunately, not enough members could make it so we had to cancel. But thanks to technology, I was able to do the next best with Sandra from mmmquilts! (and not Sandra on a stick, the real thing) What's that you ask? How did I sew with Sandra when she is like 400 some miles away? The power of technology, my friends. Thanks to FaceTime, where were able to chat the afternoon away while sewing. Sandra was working on a beautiful quilt she made in neutrals, rich chocolates and beautiful blue grays. She is calling it her Pebbles and Stones quilt and you can read all about it and our long distance sewing adventure over at her blog mmmquilts.
I'll never forget the day she and I had like 5 email conversations going and she finally sent me a message asking if I had an iAnything. Yup, iPhone. From that day forward, I think we have texted each other at least once a day if only to say, "Hi, hows your day going?" Why we have waited so long to play with FaceTime is beyond me but I'm sure we will be quilting and chatting more often. Oh, what would the pioneer quilters of yesteryear think of that? I think they would be proud of us. Who knows, maybe someone else would like to chat and sew too? I think we almost have Judy over at Quilt Paradigm talked into jointing us. So what do you think of this new way of connecting with quilting friends? I know it's not for everyone, but man, it sure felt good to laugh and talk with a friend while enjoying something we both love. And a whole cast of crazy animals and even a teenager made an appearance in the fun.
How about a few more outside pictures of these little table runners?
If you are interested in the book 101 Fabulous Small Quilts here are a few more projects I have made from it.
Leaf Chain read about mine here |
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Sunny Lanes read about it here |
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Don't Break Bread into Your Soup |
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Decoy |
Also, don't forget, this weekend, Craftsy is having a great sale. Up to 50% off of supplies and kits!
I've been crushing on Craftsy for years now (that's why I decided to become an affiliate) and I live for these sales. They are a great opportunity to pick up that fabric bundle you've been eyeballing..
Or try our a new Aurifil thread collection (we all know that's where I'm heading)
Or maybe pick up that cute quilt kit you've been drooling over. Kits can make things much easier, especially when you are pressed for time. Fabric, patter, sew, go!
You have till Monday at midnight to take full advantage of these great sales. If you click on the links above, since I am an affiliate I will receive a small commission from the sale. I do use these for quilting good and try to keep up on the latest classes, so that I can help you decided if you think a certain class might be good for you. Happy Shopping! I'm off to buy some thread.
Today I'm linking up with Finish It Up Friday, TGIFF, Can I Get A Whoop! Whoop! Midweek Makers, Let's Bee Social, Linky Tuesday, Fabric Tuesday, and Main Crush Monday.