Tuesday, December 31, 2019
To-Do Tuesday #1
I've decided this year, I'm going to start checking in with Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn By Us and their weekly To-Do Tuesday linky. So I can instantly cross writing this post off the list...pat on back. So let's take a look at what I think I might accomplish this week.
1) Work on and hopefully finish all the Mosaic Mystery instructions to date (up to December anyway). So far I have all the pieces cut and diagonals marked for each bit that has been released. Now to find time to sew.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Positively 3D--Island Batik Challenge
This month's Island Batik challenge had me virtually smiling almost every day. For the month of December the ambassadors were to create a 3D project and they totally left the definition of 3D up to the creator. I've seen all kinds of amazing projects, from quilts to actual 3D objects like purses and bags.
I tend to think of creating quilts as a 2D process, much like drawing or painting, even though you can hold a quilt. So I chose to use the fabrics in my wall-hanging to give the illusion that the pattern on my quilt was popping off the surface. After doing a little research, I decided to base my wall hanging off of a graphic design I found while surfing.
Digging into my Island Batik box, I knew that the solid black and white batiks would be perfect for allowing highlights and shading to the quilt. Design wise, the quilt was created by using lots of squares, rectangles and half square triangles.
It didn't take long for the design to come to life.
As I pieced this one, I knew immediately how it would be quilted...lots of straight lines that would hopefully guide the eye adding to the illusion.
The wall hanging was basted together with a gray solid batik for the back and Hobb's Heirloom cotton batting.
The quilting lines were stitched using Aurifil 50wt threads that matched each of the fabrics; 2783 Medium Delft Blue, 2715 Robins Egg, 2692 Black and 2024 White.
To finish things off, I chose to do a flange binding using the dark blue batik and solid gray. I absolutely love when a project comes together just like I imagined in my head.
I was a bit sad to finish this challenge. This will wrap up my ambassador term for Island Batik. I hope that in the future I will be able to team up with them again. I absolutely enjoyed spending a year creating with their beautiful fabrics. A huge thanks to Island Batik and their affiliates Aurifil Thread, Hobbs Batting and AccuQuilt for allowing us to create using their amazing products!
UFO Busting #87
It's time for our last linky party of 2019! What a year it has been! I for one, am looking forward to 2020. It shall be the year of clarity...perfect vision. It's been a busy week but probably one of the most productive weeks I've had in a long time.
The house was set up for sewing for two and what ensued was an 8 hour quilting extravaganza of piecing and laughing. I managed to finish piecing two quilt tops in one day (both in various stages of completeness already)
I also got all of the pieces for the Mosaic Mystery Quilt cut and marked, ready for stitching later this week.
I hope there will be many many more of these social sewing dates in my future. I could use that kind of progress every weekend.
The social sewing continued with Oliver's help. After a few months of trying to get his kitty diabetes under control, I think we have finally won. He's back to his kitten self at the ripe ol' age of 14; hopping up on things and playing again.
He's keeping a watchful eye on me to make sure I get my last Island Batik Ambassador challenged finished before the end of the year.
He also helped me check out what you were up to this past week. Vicki over at Vicki's Crafts and Quilting celebrated a UFO quilt top finish!!!
I believe a remember when she started this project earlier in the year, because I loved the polka dot fabric. Luckily when she was doing some closet diving this little nugget screamed at her the loudest and found its day for a piecing finish. Make sure you stop over and check it out and read about how she decided on how to finish it. I see a quilting marathon in Vicki's future.
Next up I want to personally congratulate Gail over at Quilting Gail on getting her PhD for 2019!!!!
My lists for 2020 are 100% inspired by how Gail tracks her projects through out a year. Make sure you visit and see all the wonderful finishes she accomplished both new and UFO. Gail I hope to join you next year in celebrating a year of great finishes!!!
Now it's your turn. Link up below and show us what you've been up to this week.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enterFriday, December 27, 2019
2020 Goals and (hopefully) a PhD
It's that time of year...Santa checked his list twice before he headed out on his journey and now it's time for me to take a look at some of my lists. I am joining Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl once again for her planning party. Before we jump into my upcoming goals, let's look at 2019.
I had hoped to earn my PhD with Gail at Quilting Gail. That was not to be. I had visions of UFO's landing never to fly again. Of my list of committed UFO projects only one saw a finish...one is better than none.
The Bundle Buster Baby Quilt was able to see completion in April.
Of the 19 projects I started in 2019 (or Dec 2018) I was able to finish 13 of them (the 6 have been moved to the UFO list).
These are the rest of my 2019 finishes (minus the 3D challenge project because it's technically not quite finished at the writing of this post). You can find out more about these quilts on my Quilt Gallery Page.
Simplified...you commit to working on 12 UFO's you have flying around and finish all the projects you start in 2020. You can read more about it here. Technically we are suppose to write a post telling which 12 projects we will work on, but I'm going to do it a tad bit differently. Instead, I have listed all my UFO's (that I can think of) and I'm committing to pulling 12 off the list and finishing them.
I may decide to simply pick one, use a random number generator or have stranger pick what I work on but I'm just going to let the project list speak to me.
I also have made a list of all the "quilt kits" I have stacked in my quilting room. By quilt kits I mean either purchased kits or fabrics I have purchased for the soul purpose of making a specific quilt. That crazy list looks like this.
To help stay on track I'm going to participate in Patty at Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal linky and Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn By Us To-Do Tuesday linky parties. Hopefully, these ladies can keep my monthly and weekly goals in check. I also will be enlisting the help of an in-person accountability sewing friend. Through out the year, we hope to have monthly (if not more) sewing sessions. If this doesn't keep me on track I don't know what will.
My overall goal this year is a pretty easy one...relax and have fun both in sewing and my personal life. I spent most of the past 20 years worrying about how to keep others happy I completely forgot about myself. It's okay to include yourself on the list of people you love. I look forward to only tackling projects and fabrics that make me happy in the moment. Embrace the moment.
I will not be returning as an Island Batik Ambassador this year and that is okay. I had so much fun sewing with the amazing fabrics they sent me over the last year. Their program was exactly what I needed when I needed it. It kept me focused with deadlines and encouraged me to be creative at a time when, maybe I wasn't always on my A game or felt creative. I hope to become more involved in our online community and connecting with other quilters.
So my goals are not a lengthy list for 2020. 2020 will reveal itself to me as it unfolds. 2020 the year of clearer vision. I'm just going to sit back with a fruity drink and let her show me the way.
These are the rest of my 2019 finishes (minus the 3D challenge project because it's technically not quite finished at the writing of this post). You can find out more about these quilts on my Quilt Gallery Page.
Now let's talk 2020. I plan to join again with Gail and her 2020 PhD.
Simplified...you commit to working on 12 UFO's you have flying around and finish all the projects you start in 2020. You can read more about it here. Technically we are suppose to write a post telling which 12 projects we will work on, but I'm going to do it a tad bit differently. Instead, I have listed all my UFO's (that I can think of) and I'm committing to pulling 12 off the list and finishing them.
I may decide to simply pick one, use a random number generator or have stranger pick what I work on but I'm just going to let the project list speak to me.
I also have made a list of all the "quilt kits" I have stacked in my quilting room. By quilt kits I mean either purchased kits or fabrics I have purchased for the soul purpose of making a specific quilt. That crazy list looks like this.
If you have any of these and would like to virtually sew on them together, let me know. I'm in!
To help stay on track I'm going to participate in Patty at Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal linky and Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn By Us To-Do Tuesday linky parties. Hopefully, these ladies can keep my monthly and weekly goals in check. I also will be enlisting the help of an in-person accountability sewing friend. Through out the year, we hope to have monthly (if not more) sewing sessions. If this doesn't keep me on track I don't know what will.
My overall goal this year is a pretty easy one...relax and have fun both in sewing and my personal life. I spent most of the past 20 years worrying about how to keep others happy I completely forgot about myself. It's okay to include yourself on the list of people you love. I look forward to only tackling projects and fabrics that make me happy in the moment. Embrace the moment.
I will not be returning as an Island Batik Ambassador this year and that is okay. I had so much fun sewing with the amazing fabrics they sent me over the last year. Their program was exactly what I needed when I needed it. It kept me focused with deadlines and encouraged me to be creative at a time when, maybe I wasn't always on my A game or felt creative. I hope to become more involved in our online community and connecting with other quilters.
So my goals are not a lengthy list for 2020. 2020 will reveal itself to me as it unfolds. 2020 the year of clearer vision. I'm just going to sit back with a fruity drink and let her show me the way.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
UFO Busting #86
It's like I can almost hear the sleigh bells! The Christmas holiday is right around the corner but for today we are talking UFO busting, project distractions, project finishes and how are we going into the new year. It's going to be 2020 and I think we need clear vision (20/20). I myself have been working on what my goals will be for the upcoming year. I will be joining a few linky parties and other bloggers in their keep me on track efforts. First up is Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl and her 2020 Planning Party.
You have until Dec 31st to link up a post about your next year goals. If you do, there are prizes to be had! But forget that fact, it's a great way to start the year off and keep yourself on track so those piles of UFOs possibly do not get any bigger.
Next I'll be joining Gail at Quilting Gail and her PhD in 2020. Wanna whittle down that pile of UFOs while making sure to not let it get any bigger? Gail's year long party will help you do just that.
The rules are pretty simple. Pick 12 UFO's to work on and attempt to finish everything you start in 2020. Easy peasy right? If you are interested in joining in, pop over to Quilting Gail and check it out.
To keep on track with my yearly goals, it might be a good idea to keep the months in check. That's where Patty at Elm Street Quilts steps in with her OMG (one monthly goal) party.
Again the party is pretty simple, at the beginning of the month, link up a post about what your one goal for the month will be. Complete (or maybe don't) your goal. Link up a post at the end of the month to celebrate your accomplishment. There is a random drawing at the end of the month for those that link up. What a great way to get through that PhD list and finish your new projects! I love a prize carrot dangled in front of my face!
And if you need a little bit of help getting through that one month goal, there is a weekly linky that is pretty much brand spanking new to get us looking at what we need to get done for the week. Enter Roseanne and Sue over at Home Sewn By Us and their To-Do Tuesday linky party.
The rules are again pretty simple. Link up a post on Tuesday that recaps how you did with your goals from the previous week. Were you able to check that item off your list or is it still hanging out there waiting for your attention. Then (in the same post) let us know what you plan to work on for the current week. Repeat the next Tuesday. Although the party is pretty new (19 so far) Roseanne and Sue have been posting their to do lists for 139 weeks! Let me tell you, those two know how to stay on track. So let's join in with them and completely crush 2020!!
I will be posting next week before ol' Chris Kringle pays a visit to list my yearly goals and what I hope to accomplish. Now in the party that's like bust UFO's or ignore them I don't care, let's see what you were up to last week.
First up we have Yvonne over at Sew Yummy and her Funky Churn Dash finish.
Next up we have Maggie over at Making A Lather who had some social sewing going on while working on her scrap rainbow challenge quilt.
Maggie has a sewing group that meets and they work on projects and I'm guessing have sewww much fun while doing it. Make sure you pop over to check out everything they worked on. I'm guessing the thread was flying!
Now it's your turn, link up below and tell us what you've been up to last week...and remember Santa is watching, or possible your own version of Uno, Elf on the Shelf.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enterSpeaking of social sewing. I'm super excited because today as you read this, I have made a new quilty friend and she is coming over to the house for a sew date! I can't wait to tell you about all the fun we had. I also think she's going to make a great in person quilting accountability partner.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
UFO Busting #85
Welcome back to another addition of UFO Busting. Where we are working like little elves to get those last minute projects wrapped up because Santa is watching! Or in my case, we are finding a million little things to distract ourselves from the work we should be doing. This month at work, it is all about the elf. Our newest employee is straight from the North Pole and is having so much fun hanging with the humans.
Uno the Elf was hired around the first of December and is our temporary Christmas help. He's been quick to learn the ropes and there may even be a little office romance a-budding.
All of this Christmas magic made me realize...I've been a very good girl this year. I completed all of the Island Batik challenges and kept up with our Saturday linky party pretty consistently. So when the good folks at Blueprint waved a one day 75% off for members deal, I said, yes please!!!
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Pictures from Blueprint |
These four quilt kits are making their way to my house and I'm super excited (like I need more kits!!!) Starting in the top left we have Andromeda Fractals Wavelength, Sunburst Fractals Gravity Quilt Kit, Piece and Joy Garden Party Quilt Kit and Sasha Fractals Quilt Kit. I can't wait to pet them when they get here!!
More than that I can't wait to make them in the upcoming year. With 2019 wrapping up, my focus will be on what my 2020 will look like, sewing wise. Life is starting to settle down and find its rhythm again. I hope to post more frequently and begin focusing on "me" projects. I've missed social sewing!!!
Speaking of social sewing, that's what this party is all about! Let's see what you guys brought to the party last week. First up, we have Donna Lee at DonnaLeeQ working like a little elf to get last minute Christmas gifts all wrapped up.
Make sure you pop over for a visit and check out the items on her Christmas sewing table. You also need to meet Morty. Morty the mouse, turtle or moose? I'm not telling. Go say hello!
Next up we have Melva over at Melva Loves Scraps. Melva participated in the virtual cookie exchange that has been happening in blogland hosted by Carol at Just Let Me Quilt. Melva was serving up a batch of super yummy looking (and healthier for you!) Magic Cookie Bars.
She also shared a video for a super cute covered dish carrier that would come in handy when delivering your favorite holiday treats to loved ones. Make sure you visit Melva and check out those cookie bars! The smell great! That's how good they are. I can smell them through the picture!
Now it's your turn. Let's see what you've been up to this week. Link up below and tell us all about it!
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter
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