
Thursday, February 7, 2019

BOM-Day Dreaming of Layouts

Last year's break from blocks of the month must have recharged my quilt along juices.  I am keeping right up with Pat Sloan's Out of this World monthly quilt along and the weekly quilt along A Flower Bouquet.  The first of February brought the second block in the Out of this World QAL, Space Shows.

The first thing that I noticed is that the block's size is different than January's block.  Instead of being a 16.5" block it measures in at 12.5"...could it be?  A non traditional, asymmetrical layout???  I guess it's really too early for me to start guessing, but a girl can dream right?

Next up was digging into my fabrics for the blocks for the A Flower Bouquet QAL.

Instead of piecing one 12" block last week, we were given the instructions for two 6" blocks.  Pat also announced there would be an asymmetrical layout for this quilt.  YES!!  I don't know why I love those layouts so much but I do.  So needless to say I'm one happy little quilter.

I'm also considering joining Alison at Little Bunny Quilts and her Daisy Chain Mystery Quilt.  I love mystery quilts, what can I say?  She offers a 36" baby quilt version and I'm thinking that's right up my alley.  The fabric requirements have been released and cutting will not be out for two more weeks so there is plenty of time to decide.

Are you as big of a sucker for social sewing as I am?


  1. Kudos for keeping up. Love the blocks so far. I was toying with joining that mystery QAL, but I don't want to take on too much. I fear missing out LOL

  2. Good luck with the BOM. I love the the idea of the non-traditional layout for samplers. Its always one of my favorites. Your color choices are fab.

  3. I'm usually not, but I did try the Good Fortune last year. But I was less than pleased with it, so I swore off of them. And then this year I find Kathleen Tracy's FB and have joined her monthly mystery blocks. LOL! And now I am doing her February Mini Challenge. What's gotten into me?

  4. Your blocks look great! I’m not as into BOMs but I do love mystery quilts!! I want to join Allison’s but the timing is just not good for me. I’m going to live vicariously on this one.

  5. Oh yes, I'm a sucker for social sewing!!! I love creating with others from all over the world! And I love sewing with the local quilting gals! SEW much fun!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  6. Looking good! Asymmetrical layouts are always nice for samplers.

  7. Oh, I really like that second block in those fabrics! The block size variations are similar to the variations in the Moda Blockheads. I think the largest block I've made so far has been 24". It will be fun to follow your progress. You have some fun projects lined up!

  8. I'm always behind with the social sewing but might add in more next year when I go down to working two days a week. I love the fabric in your first blocks.

  9. Hi Tish! I'm so happy I finally got myself on your mailing list. No more missing posts for me! Woot woot! Lovely blocks and those fabrics (!!) but I am NOT an asymmetrical gal at all. Nope. Nada. I played along with PS last year and I about drove me nuts - 10" and 12.5" blocks in the same quilt top. I had to cut bait and bail. Social sewer yes - but I won't hold it against you. Do what makes your heart sing and I'll follow along and enjoy your enjoyment. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. I really love asymmetrical layouts! I clicked on the link for A Floral Bouquet QAL, and it goes to Accuquilt. Is that right?


Thanks for joining me on my quilting adventures. I look forward to hearing from you.