
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Just Waking Up

Instead of just settling in for a long winter's nap I appear to be just waking up from a Thanksgiving coma...yikes!  Every year the company that I work for closes for the week of Thanksgiving/deer hunting season...yes that's a real thing here in my part of the world.  It's a week for spending time with family and of course quilting, quilting and quilting.  I had huge plans for the week, that came to a screeching halt when I had to admit defeat to a sinus infection and rest.

That's okay, I still got a few things finished.  Like Jenny's birthday Christmas(?) unicorn quilt.  I love the addition of the fractured borders and so does she!  All that is left to do is work it into the quilting rotation so that hopefully it doesn't become her birthday Christmas New Years Valentines Day quilt.

I also caught up on Cindy at Stitchin At Home's Medallion Quilt.  I don't think there are too many more to go, before this one can work its way to becoming a finished quilt top.

I also spent some time making the last two blocks for The Children's Library QAL and piecing the top together.  I had two rows finished, complete with sashing and I can admit, I wasn't in love.  I just wasn't sold on my very busy sashing fabric.  I pulled David in for a bit of advice on fabrics for the two blocks.  All of the blocks have been made from fabrics in my stash (yay for using fabrics) but I was afraid they didn't really go together.  He pointed out that most of the colors in the blocks where found in the center Alice In Wonderland Block...completely a coincidence.  He helped me pull a few more colors in from that block and thus, Peter Rabbit

and The Mouse and the Motorcycle were born.

The time and date stamp fabric gave this quilt some crazy movement across the quilt.  I felt like my eyes were crossing if I looked at it too long.

I think the addition of the small yellow border helped tame some of the craziness and help the eyes find a place to land before the really cool book border fabric.  Sadly, this top is headed to join the 2015 and 2016 BOM's in UFO land (2014 is actually a finished quilt), until I get my act together.

I do have a small quilt finish in the form of puppies, but we will save that for it's own little post.  So I am back and feeling so much better.  I still have quite a few items on my list to finish, but all in good time.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and was able to sneak in a bit of quilting time.

Today I'm linking up with Let's Bee Social and a very special edition of Midweek Makers...the 100th edition!!!!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you were under the weather last week, but I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. And I still feel like you accomplished a lot! :)

  2. The Yellow border is perfect. Hope you are getting better. The unseen always seem to be worse than something others can see, a leg in plaster gets heaps of sympathy, a sinus infection not the same. I guess bending over is so painful. Have you tried ( guess you've had so much advice) inhalations? The best look ever, head over a steaming pot of menthol and camphor with a towel over your head? You did so well to get some quilting done.

  3. Nice to hear you're feeling better and managed to get some quilting in. I like the addition of the yellow border.

  4. Poor you and on your holiday time too , that's rotten . The fractured border really sets off Jen's quilt , adds to the very fantasy of it

  5. When you wake up, you really wake up! Lots of productivity here! You crack me up about your birthday, Christmas, New Year, Valentines quilt. :D Love the unicorn border. It is perfect!

  6. Glad you're feeling better, Tish! I like the yellow border too. You got quite a bit done even though you weren't feeling well!

  7. Being sick is such a sad waste of holiday time - glad to see you recovered and have made a heap of progress on loads of different things. I think the unicorn border is inspired - it really suits the rainbow type theme. Good to see you back on deck.

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better! You sure accomplished a lot this past week. Love the addition of that little yellow border. It brings the quilt together!

  9. Love how birthday became Christmas :-)
    Christmas is a birthday too. It is that time of the year. Paul is under the weather too. Sending hugs and healing wishes to you. I am sure you will soon as good as new and quilting up a storm. The Unicorn border is just perfect.

  10. Well isn't that just the pits when you are sick during your week off. But at least you got a few things done and I am glad you are feeling better.

  11. So sorry to hear you were sick during your break! I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I love the unicorn! I've had my eye on that pattern, too. And your children's lit quilt looks great!!!! I love that due date fabric. Lovely!

  12. So sorry to hear you were sick - not a fun way to spend Thanksgiving, or the week of vacation. Do what you can in quilt land - eventually things will get finished. Take care!

  13. I'm sorry to hear you were sick but happy you are feeling better!

  14. You have been busy. I love the border on the unicorn. Can't wait to see it quilted. I hope you are on the mend. Take it easy.


Thanks for joining me on my quilting adventures. I look forward to hearing from you.