
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

QAL's-Haulk Mode

I'm still plugging away over here, working on QAL's and getting that pattern ready to release.  After my crazy productive week the week before, last week I kind of hit a brick wall.  I didn't really do anything-at-all.  It happens.

David has been gone since last Friday for work again, and I knew I needed to buckle down and be productive over my quiet weekend (well as quiet as it gets with a teenage daughter in the house).  On Friday it was like my batteries recharged.  I hit the coin box and found that flashy star on Super Mario Brothers that warped me into moving at super quick speeds.  I turned on quilting Haulk Mode (no I didn't turn green).

Saturday, I popped into a local quilt store, Helen's Hen House, to pick up a few FQ's to add to my Solstice challenge quilt.  That's where I picked up those yummy pieces above...I think I'm going to need more.  What was suppose to be a quick trip ended up being a 1 1/2 hour event.  The place was hopping and I ran into quilting friends and made a new quilting friend.  But the quilt store magic had to end...I had things to do!  So back home I went.

I was able to quickly finish the straight line quilting on my pattern quilt, which leaves me with one more to quilt.

I was able to get that quilt basted and cut binding strips for four quilts.

Next up, was the Freefall 1/2 blocks.  Sandra at mmm!quilts had emailed me the instructions for the next set of blocks so that I could test them before she released them on Monday.  Making that a major priority, I knocked those out pretty quickly.

Here are all the blocks playing on my design wall.

I needed a carrot chocolate bar on a stick, dangling in front of me as a reward.  I decided to do a fabric pull for the three blocks I need to make to finish section A of Pat Sloan's 182 Solstice Challenge.  I will only allow myself to work on this project once everything is completed.

Now on to the blocks I completed.  I had three blocks to catch up on;  Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts had released the Santa block for the Jolly Christmas Quilt and he had yet to visit my design wall, April's Aurifil block needed to be completed, and Pat Sloan released The Children's Library May block two days early.  I cut the pieces for all three blocks and slowly (and carefully) worked on them all together.

Santa finished up first.  Isn't he just the jolliest? 

I even pieced one of the five rows together.

The Children's Library Block for May was Green Eggs and Ham.  I dug into my stash of green and went to work.  This block goes together log cabin style and for some reason, I always end up with a wonky block.  My 1.5" piece blocks got a little bit off, but I didn't sweat it and improvised.  As long as I ended up with a 12.5" block that looked dag gone close, I was happy.  I think Dr. Seuss would agree, whimsical is better than perfect?

And here they are all together.

Last but definitely not least, was the Aurifil BOM by Sue Marsh New Direction.  I put this block off for half of a month because the templates and triangles scared the crap out of me.  Something I've never really worked with.  I cut very carefully and took my time sewing.

I have to say the block turned out much better than I expected.  Once put together, I did lose a few points on the arrow, but hey some times in life, the arrows that point us aren't quite as sharp as they should be.  This is just one of those times. (It's not done losing points either...shhhh)

And here are the start of my rainbow blocks, ranging from blue to red purple.

So this is what my list looked like at the end of Sunday.

Not bad if I do say so myself.  I also finished making a pressing board to use for bigger pieces of fabric, but I think I'll save that for another post.  This one is about eye candy.  

So for now, my Haulk muscles have retracted and I've returned to little ol' Tish N Wonderland.  I still need to keep the forward momentum going, but for now I think I deserve a nap.


  1. Wow Tish! Look at you. Fabulous progress all around. Now I feel slow - ha ha. Well then again my list is not nearly as long as yours and I can afford to be slow =)
    Rainy greetings from Berlin.

  2. My gosh, that is progress with giant strides!! The freefall looks great, I have my fabrics arranged, but nothing but for the half and half sides of the leaf yet. This will take some concentration for sure. What a list with so much crossed off, that would be happiness in capitals.

  3. Holy Smokes Tish! You went bonkers this weekend. :) What an inspiration. That crossed off list is amazing. I haven't had one of those days in awhile, but I am hoping to have some renewed energy soon. So, if you have any left over, send it my way.

  4. You totally deserve a nap; I hope you got one! That marked off list looks sooooooo good, but the projects are even more beautiful. :)

  5. I hope you got to enjoy that chocolate on a stick as you certainly deserve it. Wow I'm exhausted just reading it.

  6. Put a gold star on your forehead! You make me tired you got so much done. And definitely this post was eye candy. Lots to drool over and decide if I want to steal some of your ideas!

  7. When the cat's away, the mouse plays...or should I say puts her nose to the grindstone and gives 'er! And this is without MOI for our hoped-for sew-day...too bad I was meeting up with Cindy and buying sewing machines LOL. all looks wonderful but my favourite (you guessed) is Freefall. I LOVE LOVE your happy Spring colours. Thank YOU (mwah!) for testing.

  8. I got so tired reading all your accomplishments that I think I need to head back to bed, LOL
    If I don't accomplish anything today it's all your fault Tish!!!

  9. That was a marathon of finishes! I love days like that when progress is made on many different things. You must have been exhausted afterwards and I hope you rewarded yourself with a chocolate bar and glass of wine!

  10. Hi Tish - look at all the cross outs on that To-Do list!!! You did fabulous. ~smile~

  11. You do deserve a nap with that fantastic progress! You've so many fun projects going.

  12. You really were in Hulk mode! So much accomplished - everything looks great! Now, go take a well deserved nap, and thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers.

  13. Wow Tish! You certainly did find that Super Mario switch! Like you, I find that if I make a list of To Dos I tend to get them done. Something about writing them down makes me accountable. So does saying stuff out loud on my blog . Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. Oh MY! You have been super productive! All of your blocks are lovely.... But the secretish pattern project... Now that one's got me eager for your finish so we can have the full reveal!

  15. Fantastic progress, Tish! Everything is looking beautiful and that cross-off list must feel so rewarding :)

  16. Wow! You had a fantastic weekend. Congrats on all the progress with your projects!

  17. Oh. My. Gosh! You get more done in an hour than I manage in a week! Those 'quick' trips to the quilt store never happen to me either - I always find an excuse to hang around. You've inspired me to get in my room and stay there all weekend - I'll be here by myself, so no excuses! First up, make a list!

  18. Wow! You really did get Mario's star! That's a lot of progress. I really like your Free Fall--beautiful colors!

  19. Free fall is turning out beautifully. Dag gone close and wonky are just fine in my dictionary. I can picture you moving at super speed and finishing all tasks in a giant swoosh. Now, only if I could find Mario's star...
    Please give David my best. I have been watching Blue Bloods and Donnie Wahlberg reminds me of him.

  20. Busy, busy.

    Those Freefall blocks look great and the whole quilt is going to be fantastic.

  21. I have been really looking forward to seeing everybody's Free Fall quilts! I came to your post through Sandra's link. VERY NICE! You have been busy doing a TON of other things. Not sure how I missed this post of yours earlier. Hmm. You are a quilt piecing machine!

  22. Well you put the wonder in Wonderland as to meaning, I wonder where Tish gets all her creative mojo from? I am amazed how much you accomplished. It's good to have a list to keep you focused. Great job, love Freefall and all of the blocks!

  23. As always impressed with your progress.

  24. Truly an incredible expansion. I have perused this magnificent post. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing data about it. I truly like that. Much obliged so parcel for your assemble. motu patlu


Thanks for joining me on my quilting adventures. I look forward to hearing from you.