
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

One Lovely Blog

I was quite surprised several days ago to find out that I had been nominated by not one but three people for this very touching award.  Right around the beginning of August, Kate from Smiles From Kate had nominated me on her blog.  And last week, Carrie from The Zen Quilter and Amista from Hill Top Custom Designs also nominated me.  I truly feel honored that they  would even think of me when it comes to this award.

So what are the rules?  Glad you asked.

1)  Thank the person(s) that nominated you and give a link back to their blog.  **Please check out Amista, Carrie and Kate's blogs.  All are amazing quilters and I enjoy reading their blogs quite a bit.

2)  List the rules---check

3)  Display the image of your award on your post--check.

4)  List seven facts about yourself--okay here we go...

  • My name could have been Sally Holsberry.  What?  Ok, let's start with my actual name is Laticia Lower (this predates Mr. Stemple).  My father never actually knew his real father and my grandmother remarried.  Had my grandfather adopted my father, our last name would have been Holsberry.  Now from the time my parents found out they were expecting, the just knew I'd be a girl.  They always referred to me as Sally (or this is the story my mom told me) and the plan was to name me Sally.  So where did the name Laticia came from?  I have no idea.  I've asked before, but mom's never  given me a straight answer.  It's not really a common name around here or even for the year I was born.  Maybe it was good hospital drugs?
  • I hate meatloaf.  I don't want to hate meatloaf, but I do.  It seems like something I should like because I've always been a meat and potato kind of girl, but there is just something (maybe texture) I do not like about this dish.  I've tried making so many different recipes and variations but still, nope.  I'm not completely ruling it out, I just don't think I've met the right one yet.
  • I've mentioned before that I have weird driving issues, like sometimes avoiding left hand turns.  Not all left turns are created equal.  So my new driving fact is, I didn't get my license until I was 18.  Most kids itch for that small piece of plastic the day they turn 15.  Not me.  I was drug to the DMV at 17 to get my permit.  Actually, this worked out for my parents.  David taught me to drive, they didn't have to.  (maybe he's to blame for my weird left hand turn thing, but probably not)  Not only that, but it was three years after I received my license before I drove again.  David and I purchased a second car and it didn't hit me until we were leaving the lot, that I had to actually drive it home.   I know...I'm a weirdo.
  • I can't sneeze in front of strangers or large groups.  I just can't.  My nose will start twitching and I can feel it coming.  I probably make an extremely sexy face as I prepare to let it out then right at the last minute...nothing.  It looks like I'm holding it in on purpose, but I promise I'm not.  So if I would ever sneeze and it's a really good one, it's one of the biggest compliments I can give you.  It means, I feel very comfortable around you.  I promise, I cover my mouth with my arm, sneeze or sneeze attempt.
  • I lived in a college dorm when I was pregnant with Jen .  We got married between my sophomore and junior year in college and we knew that David was going away for 6 months of training so I opted to get a room with my friends while he was gone.  However, right before he left and before second semester started, I found out we were expecting. It made for an interesting few months.  I kind of became the dorm floor "pet."  I was always hungry, very tired and always had to pee.  So when my friends would return from a late night/early morning they would wake me up to see if I wanted food or needed to potty.  And they were constantly making sure I was up and didn't sleep through my classes.  At least they didn't try to dip me for fleas.
  • I use to be terribly scared of dogs.  When I was 3 or 4 I had a poodle snap at me and try to bite me when I reached out to pet it.  From that day forward, I was terrified.  Eventually, I met my great uncle's golden retriever Fred.  He was one of the smartest and gentlest dogs I've ever met.  Thanks to good ol' Fred I had a new love for man's best friend.  Maggie, Becker and Newton can all thank him that they have a home.
  • Other than Caroline kitty cat, all of the cats that have owned me have been black or tuxedo cats.  Even the two fosters kitties that have made their way to us have been black kitties  
This is Newton with baby Bruce.  Newton found him curled up in a dog pillow on our porch in very bad shape.  After a trip to the vet, this little fellow fought hard to live and succeeded.  After his eyes healed we were able to find him a loving home.

This past weekend, this little ball of love made it's way to us.  David's co-worker was able to trap (safely) her and her feral sibling at their work.  There had been a whole litter but one by one they have disappeared.  The co-worker took the tabby kitten home and left David with the decision of taking this one to the pound (a kill shelter) or take it home.  I cannot in good conscious EVER take an animal to a place where I knew it will be killed because it is alive.  I just can't do it.

She was looking a bit rough, so we decided to bath her and then assess the situation.  She was pretty much skin and bones.  Which absolutely broke my heart.  She actually seemed to enjoy her bath, which made things 100% easier.

I'm happy to report that after lots of fresh water, plenty of food and an abundance of love, this little nugget is thriving.  We set her up with a sweet kitty hotel on our porch and hopefully after a clean bill of health at the vet tonight she can come inside until she goes to her fur-ever home this weekend.

And I'm happy to report if home #1 a local family doesn't work out, this little kitty might be traveling to a new home in Canada, where I know beyond a shadow of a doubt she will be one of the most loved kitties ever.  So not much actual quilting going on lately.  I'm filling the world up with love in the kitten kind of way.  But I promise we will return to quilty things by Friday.

Oh the last rule of the One Lovely Blog award is to nominate up to 15 bloggers and let them know you nominated them.  So today I would like to nominate:

Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs
Jayne at Twiggy and Opal
Helen at Midget Gem Quilts
Cindy at Stitchin At Home
Melva at Melva Loves Scraps
Beth at Cooking Up Quilts

I will be emailing these wonderful ladies later today to let them know I nominated them.  Hope you check back later this week to see the quilting things I've been up to.  One last cat pic....

Today I'm linking up with Let's Bee Social.


  1. I really love the One Lovely Blog Award because we are getting to know more about people. I was named after a girl my dad had a crush on in high school. Kinda crazy, right? And that little kitten is so sweet! I am sure she will be well loved thanks to your generous heart.

  2. I always smile when I see people caring for animals down on their luck like that. :) I would have such a hard time letting them go.
    Thanks for sharing the bits about yourself. I love learning about fellow quilt bloggers.

  3. Your new fur baby seems to be settling right in! Good for you to come to the rescue. Our Bella is a rescue cat too. Don't feel bad...I never wanted to drive...I still do not like to drive. I did not get my drivers license until after Mary was born...and then it was out of necessity! I agree, not all left turns are created equal!

  4. I think all quilters have soft and loving hearts when it comes to the little felines, and what a wonderful home this one came to.Looking lots better, no doubt thanks to heaps of TLC and a warm bed, all of ours have been adopted or strays that came, and either went or stayed. A great award, and you are a special person who so deserves this. Congrats.

  5. Awwww, sweet kitty! Good for your husband for bringing him home! Enjoyed reading a little more about you! The real you! XO

  6. Thank you my dear Tish for the nomination! Humbled and honored, a little surprised and a lot happy! OMG! You are too funny with your seven facts! I love that you became the dorm pet while you were pregnant!! I can relate to getting the license at 18...not me, my son! I forced him to get it, otherwise...he would blow it off! And dear Sally, which you are not...My daughter was named Lumpy while I was pregnant! Thankfully parents come to their senses when birth occurs!

  7. Great facts Tish. Congratulations on the award and pulling off bathing a cat! I used to bath my cat and she hated it but she liked to have BEEN bathed. I can understand that - it's how I feel about housework ;)

  8. Great post Tish and congratualtions on the award. You and David are such wonderful animal lovers. How fun that you lived in a dorm when you were pregnant, although I'm sure you missed David.

  9. I'm totally with you on the driving thing, Tish, and on avoiding some left turns! I didn't get my license until I was 25, and I will still change my route to avoid some left turns. Also, crowded parking lots & parking garages make me nervous.

  10. Wow! You got a cool award and you bathed a cat without getting all scratched up! Pretty cool. Loved learning all those interesting things about you, especially the name thing. Maybe someday you'll find out the origin of Laticia. I'm with you on the driving thing. Don't drive any more unless I have to, and I hate left turns as well. Can't say I avoid them, but I do look for ways to get around turning left when it's a tricky situation.

  11. That was a lot of fascinating information Tish!
    You don't seem like a Sally and I'm glad they named you Laticia instead. It's a lot sassier and more original, just like you.
    I don't drive anymore (on doctor's orders) but miss it. I used to put about 15,000 miles a year on our cars, just gadding about with the kids. The urge to hit the open road is sometimes still strong. I wonder what it is that makes you dislike left turns?
    You know when a feral kitten enjoys her bath that the poor little thing has been through a very rough time. You and Dave are so great to do these rescues and rehoming. She looks like a very sweet little cat!


Thanks for joining me on my quilting adventures. I look forward to hearing from you.