
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Making A Block For A Good Cause

Toward the end of July, while surfing around on linky parties, I ran across the blog of Kat from Kat & Cat Quilts.  She was asking for people to make blocks to send to her for her charity called Covered in Love.

Photo courtesy of Kat&Cat Quilts 

Kat is a nurse and her charity makes quilts to give to the families of patients who pass away in the hospital where she works.  I thought this was very touching.  Quilts are forever hugs and what a great way to try to bring a bit of comfort to those that are hurting.  I contacted Kat to ask permission to share her cause with all of you and she happily said yes.  

For the month of August she was encouraging those that would like to participate to construct a 12 1/2 inch unfinished block using only flying geese.  She provided the following color chart 

Photo courtesy of Kat&Cat Quilts 

and ask that those participating construct their blocks using this color scheme. She also gave examples of blocks she had constructed.

Photo courtesy of Kat&Cat Quilts 

As I was working on my next 12 1/2 inch block for the Modern Building Block quilt, I realized it was made entirely of flying geese and would look great in these colors.  It reminded me of waves or ripples in water.

  I quickly gathered bits of fabric from my stash and started constructing two blocks.  One for my quilt and one to send to Kat.

Both blocks went together very quickly.

She is accepting these blocks through the end of August.  There is still plenty of time to make a 12 1/2 inch block to send to her, or more if you would like.  Please check her post Call For Blocks! for more information.  I know when I lost my father to a heart attack, my family was at its absolute lowest.  A void had been created that slowly takes time to fill.  Any act of kindness was so appreciated.  As I made my block I filled it with lots of happy, loving vibes so hopefully whom ever receives this quilt might feel some comfort during their time of loss.

The other block made it's way to my small design wall to wait with the others while the last block in section A is being constructed.

If you have some free time and extra scraps, I hope you will consider helping Kat with her quest.

 Today I'm linking up with:


  1. Talk about serendipity! Both blocks look great Tish!

  2. Such a wonderful cause to be making for. Both you blocks came up wonderfully. I love the look of your design wall.

  3. Great looking blocks. I especially like the beachy one!

  4. A great cause and both your blocks look great.

  5. Your blocks are going to be a wonderful addition to the Flying Geese quilt. They're beautiful!

  6. Your blocks are beautiful and for such a wonderful cause!!

  7. Your blocks are beautiful and for such a wonderful cause!!

  8. What a pretty color palette and a great cause. I like what you did w/your flying geese.


Thanks for joining me on my quilting adventures. I look forward to hearing from you.